Hey Everyone. I am brand new here and like what I am seeing so thought I'd try it out.

I am teaching course this coming semester which will feature new and emerging technologies and tech trends. The downfall, I have no textbooks or money to spend on software at the moment.

Does anyone do anything like this, and would be willing to share information, materials, etc with me? I am thinking that I would like to do some Podcasting, perhaps PDA's, Blogging, and other online applications.

Thanks for all the help, and best of luck in the upcoming semester


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You might check out Mark Wagner's material: http://edtechlife.com/?page_id=1399 Each workshop link goes to a wiki with lots of good information.
Steve. Thanks for the tip! I'll check it out
Hi Chris and welcome!

You won't need a textbook. You'll be able to have your students sign up for a Google Account and subscribe to blogs and articles in their Google Reader, share documents and presentations, collect data through Google Spreadsheets. The possibilities are endless.

I don't know where to tell you to start - other than what I wrote above- but you will need to make some very basic decisions. What skills would you like your students to have? Before you can select the tools, you'll need to know what skills they will leave your class with.

Once you have that down, take a look at any one of these wikis for web 2.0 tools as well as the bottom, right of this page to look at tools as well. Good luck!


(There are so many, many more sites to help you...)
Great advice so far! I spent hours exploring Google and I could use that for a year long course if I wanted. Thanks!
Hi Chris, I'm not sure what grade level or curriculum you have to work with but teaching technology will not require a textbook, Hope your in a lab though! You will might need a projector,
I have lots of resources relating to business but can be eaily adapted for other subject areas. http://smartbusinesseducation.wetpaint.com/
Using blogs and having students help to create your own class text book in a wiki might be helpful.
You'll have to try things out yourself first, many schools are blocked by filtering to access video or some sites.
nothing worse than having a great lesson planned at home and then can't do it in the classroom.
Google docs is great- you can do a survey with google forms as student accessment for start of course and end of course.
It's also advisible to check out the school or board policy on things like using students names, and photos on internet, a letter to parents may be wise. Talk to the other teachers in the school- take time for lunch- building a network online and face to face will make the journey more fun and productive.
Thanks MJ! I like your idea about creating my/their own textbook. I'll check out your resources
Hi Chris,

E-Learning is become a trend. It's time-saving and money-saving especially in this economy downturn. There are many useful and free tools for you to use for course.
SlideShare is the best place to share your powerpoint presentations with the world .
Screen Toaster lets you record your screen in one click and then embed your videos on your blog or web page

WiZiQ is a place where you can teach and learn using an easy-to-use virtual classroom.

If you want to make high-impact Flash presentations and eLearning courses from PowerPoint, Wondershare PPT2Flash, Articulate Presenter would be good choices for you. You could view the online course along with the presenter's video and narration created by PowerPoint.
Thanks Sunny! I'll check them out
You can use a free and open textbook titled Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning at http://ltc.umanitoba.ca/wikis/etl/index.php/Handbook_of_Emerging_Te...

Links to plenty of other free and open textbooks are listed at the Community College Open Textbook Collaborative webpage http://collegeopentextbooks.org/educationbooks.html



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