Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi There! Doesn't your head just spin with all of the info and tools out there?! This seems like a great place to learn, share, and network! My name is Patrick Uselding and I teach 7th and 8th grade social studies & I'm the curriculum coordinator for a catholic school in West Bend, WI. I work at the same school as another new member, Lynn Judnic - we enjoy wreaking technology havoc on our students and staff...ok, maybe havoc isn't the best term! But we do love technology and all of the possibilities it has to offer us in our quest to best prepare and educate our students.
Selamat pagi, hola, hello,
This is my first attempt to send a message in Classroom. What's next? I'm interested in bahasa Indonesia and in teaching Spanish at the college level.
John Mohn, Evansville, Indiana, USA.
Read and respond to the forums on the frontpage or start one of your own or search for a topic of interest or post a blog or fiddle around with your profile---lots to do. Welcome, welcome! N.
Hi everyone,

Hal Eccles here a humanities high school teacher from Manchester, UK. Glad to be on board...

Cheers, Hal
Welcome, you should be able to find something of interest if you look around. N.
Hi all. I'm a middle school media specialist in St. Augustine, FL. I've been teaching and librarianing for 15 years. I am working on expanding my online presence and incorporating more 2.0 into our school. Lorraine
I come from Balearic Islands (Spain) but I'm teaching in Barcelona as a teacher's educator. I've found this network through the catalonian network DIM created by Pere Marquès. I hope to learn a lot from you and share my experiences with you.

Hi, my name is Nancy Latimer. I am a Library Media Specialist working at Westfield High School in Westfield, New Jersey. Formerly I worked as a software consultant for Digital Equipment Corporation (now part of HP). I am very interested in technology as a means of enhancing education, and in high school reform.
Hello all. Just joined this morning after reading an article in the NEA magazine.

I'm 2nd grade teacher at a Title I school in Florida.

This is my 4th year teaching.

Some day, I hope to be a tech facilitator.
I'm Kathy Rains from Madison, Alabama. Madison is located next to Huntsville near the Tennessee border. I'm the Director of Technology for Madison City Schools.
I provide technology support for teachers and students in a junior high school in Riverside IL. A group of teachers is beginning an exploration of Web 2.0 tools in education. We hope to find Web 2.0 tools to support teaching and learning in our community.
My name is Rachelle. I am a consultant and have recently received my doctorate in Education Leadership with an emphasis on technologically innovative schools. I am interested in collaborating with others in entrepreneurial ways. As a constructivist educator, I am interested in exploring opportunitites to open a school in the NYC metropolitan area along the constructivist framework with possibilities for distance learning. If you are interested in exploring this with me, please contact me. If you have other thoughts, I would also be interested in discussing.
Thank you,



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