I have just been introduced to the concept of web 2.0 this summer. But I am still really confused. I have questions and no real direction. Can someone please help me?
1) What is the difference between a class website message board that allows replies vs. edublog?
2) Can someone please give me more direction on what a wiki is? How is it used in a classroom?

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You can search Classroom 2.0 for discussions about topics you are interested in. I'd assume the difference between a message board and a blog is the presence on the web? Here is the stuff we've done over the last few years--you can see blogs, wikis, websites, Moodle, etc
Ahhh, great questions! I'd recommend, for question two, to start with a couple of resources.

http://www.classroom20.com/forum/topic/listForTag?tag=wikis will list many of the discussions here that are about wikis.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikis is the Wikipedia page on "wikis." :)

A wiki is basically a web page with an edit button. Like blogging, it became a way for individuals to contribute to the content of the web without requiring a special program--all you need is a web browser. While a blog is somewhat bounded by its chronological structure, a wiki allows you to create non-chronological pages that are linked together by a menu and by hyperlinking. Because wikis can be edited by more than one person, they provide a significant way to publish and share material--from a teacher wiki that just has information and assignments, to a class wiki where the students contribute their work to form the greater whole.

The difference between a message board and a "blog" is just the structure of how discussion takes place. I can think of examples where either could be used to get to the same pedagogical result. The advantage a blog might have is that it takes graphics and has a more traditional website look and feel. A blog also doesn't have to provide for dialog, and can be informational only. I do believe that there are some substantive differences in the kinds of dialog that take place on message boards and in blogs, largely because the blog favors the author's perspective and material.

Hope that helps!
Here is another resource you might consult -- Web 2.0 Wiki. This was designed as a get-started guide to Web 2.0 for educators and includes basic explanations and classroom explanations.

A wiki is a web site that anyone can edit. (The wiki above is just one example.) They can be used for online courses, study guides, e-portfolios, book talks, and much more.
Here is a really simple explanation

The best way to describe a wiki is a really easy to use and edit website.

You sign up for the free site a pbwiki or wiki spaces with a user name and password. You can also share your password with others who can edit the wiki as well.

For example. Our middle school teachers have a middle school wiki. They have one site but they all have the password to edit the site. Each teacher keeps their own page up to date and can work anywhere their is internet access. This allows the middlke school teachers to collaborate. They can see what the other teachers are assigning as projects-homework so they can coordinate efforts.

Student Example:
I often set up a wiki on a topic theme one of my classes is studying. For example I may set up a Wiki on Flight. I would set up several pages on the wiki. One page for the history of flight. Anoither on famous pilots. The physics's of flight ect. Then I would assign groups of students to each page and they would create the page. PBWIKI allows different levels of access so I would give my students the password during class time, and then remove the right to edit when I am not available to edit.

Blogging is usually done on an area of discussion you want the children to thin about and respond. A classroom message board is more a calendar to me. I do have a calendar on my classroom wiki-so I guess the message area is one part of my wiki.

Web2.0 tools usually refer to on-line sites that you can use for free and that assist the educational process.

delicious- allows you to keep a list of favorite sites so you can get your favorites from any computer
Wiki's- collaborative web pages
Blog's-On-line discussions of topics of interest.
OpenSource: Software programs that were developed and can be used for free- (Open office is similar to MS Office yet free, goodle sketch up ect. )

Browser Tools- Allow you to upload pictures, create slide shows, word walls, publish newsletters comics, create on-line animations, and so much more. Here is my wiki site http://computerkiddoswiki.pbwiki.com You will find a link to my page that has lists of the browser tools by topic, opensource software, teachertools, and even projects my kids did last year. Welcome to the wonderful world of web 2.0. It is an exciting time-so many cool resources we can use for free to engage students in theor learning
Thanks for sharing the wiki. Loved the web 2.0 tools resource page.
Hi Deb,

Technically, the term Web 2.0 is just a buzz word and there is no real new web standard that defines what Web 2.0 is. There is no real clear definition as to what Web 2.0 means, but usually the term is used to describe websites that are socially interactive. But technologies such as blogs, message boards, and wikis existed long before this buzz word came out. I realize this was not your question, but I hope it will help to clear up some of the confusion you may be having. Now on to the questions that you did ask:

1) A message board is generally a place any member (and sometimes guests) can start a new discussion. Others can then respond to the discussions.

2) A blog generally does not allow any member to start a posting. Usually postings are started by a single individual (or sometimes by a special group). Members then reply to the messages posted by this individual/group. Some blogs do not allow others to reply to them. Many people use blogs to post news or their online diary.

3) An edublog is simply a blog that is related to education

4) A wiki is a collection of webpages of information (usually for a specific use). Any member (and sometimes guests) can contribute to the wiki. For example, one of the largest wikis is http://en.wikipedia.org - this site is used for an encyclopedia, so all pages are encyclopedia entries. Both members and guests can make any changes they want to a wikipedia page.

5) A wiki can be used in a classroom in many ways. A wiki can be set up so that it is school related (pertaining to the entire school), class related (relating to anything going on in your particular class), or subject related (for example, you might be doing a study on animals in your class, students can in groups or as individuals, pick one or more animals and create one or more pages of information for the animals).

Hope this helps,

I give 2 a go...
Wikis are editable by anyone who views them. This creates a need for trust in the wiki participants as they can either create or correct errors. In the classroom one could use it to uncover misunderstandings, allow students to express opinions, or get students to share what they understood and ask questions about any gaps in their learning.
Lots of good replies here!

Usually in a classroom, a wiki is good to build "something" in a collaborative way. Students can edit the whole thing - or you can assign groups to do specific parts. But you end up with some assessable product. For example, you could have students create a wiki page about a historical event. You could have pages or sections set up for various topics, and students can add, edit, and review each others work. It sounds confusing, but you can see who edits what on a separate "revisions" page, and you have to allow time for the students to talk about what they are doing. The collaboration they do by talking to each other, reviewing and dicussing the work, deciding who will do what is almost as important as what they do on the actual wiki.

Blogs are more like journals, you can have a discussion that goes over time and covers a number of subjects. Blogs are more versatile than message boards, which means you can have a blog that looks a lot like a message board, but blogs could take on many other forms.

Technically, blogs use RSS feeds and message boards existed before RSS was invented. By using RSS, you can subscribe to the blog posts, or have parents and students subscribe to the blog posts so they show up automatically in a blog reader or by email.

Check out the links in all these replies and let it all sink in. There's a ton of stuff to learn!



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