What might be the best way to view the Obama inauguration online and to project it on a screen for classes to watch?

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In addition to CNN Live, CBS News will also be webcasting the inauguration and I am sure that C-SPAN will as well (but I haven't seen details yet). My brother and I created a website called lyvegyde (www.lyvegyde.com) that provides links to live online events. We will be updating our website with more inauguration webcasts as we find them.

As for linklive, based on their website, it looks like they will be webcasting a gala that starts at 7:00 pm, but does anyone know if they will also be webcasting during the day?
As far as I know we will be able to watch it on TV using our projectors.
Why not using computers and allow kids to interact and ask questions at the same time?
Check out the website www.linklive.org.
There are now tickets for Educators available who want to celebrate the Inauguration at the Corcoran Gallery of Art.
Thanks heinz for the link. We are planning an even in our auditorium and I am trying to get our local cable company to drop a line on a short notice. If this does not work I will use the linklive.org.

In my school district we had a brain storming session and we think that the web traffic will be extremely high. You need to have a backup plan. We will have three large TVs in the cafeteria and another one in the library. Additionally, one of the technicians who lives near by he will go home and tape it there. Every school will go online to see the event online and we'll have the same traffic jam toysrus.com had during its last Christmas. Shoppers went online to buy toys and the website kept crashing. Also, during the dot com bust investors went online to trade stocks and the websites could not handle the traffic. That's it. No more for-instances. On a different note, though, IT WILL BE A GREAT DAY.

Thank you for the great ideas here. I have incorporated some of them and more in my new post, "Watching the 2009 Presidential Inauguration with Students." This post may be a useful compilation to distribute to teachers at your school. In it I have some out of the box ideas like tuning in on radio and considering partnering with community resources to bring students to live screenings which you can arrange with local libraries, theaters, parks, etc.
What a great idea! The radio! Develop listening skills. Have a picture of Obama, maybe even a slide show. That could be a good back up plan.
Yes. I did some radio work with kids several years back. I think if folks here could brainstorm some ways to incorporate a radio inaugural speech into the classroom, this could be a more practical solution for many. So, how could that work??? What could kids do in advance of and during the inauguration that would enhance listening to it on the radio?
I work in a building with grades 5-8 and we are planning an inaugural ball. The boys will wear suits and the girls will wear dresses. Each homeroom class will host their own inaugural ball, eating food (brought by the students), reading poetry, and reading pieces that they wrote about the election and other moments in U.S. history.

We are going to meet as a school in the auditorium to watch the inauguration itself either live or recorded, depending on how the day works out. We have to be flexible because we don't know if we will be able to view it live because of internet traffic. We too are looking for a back-up plan. A slide show playing while we listen to it on the radio is an option, but I don't know if we will be able to keep their attention the entire time.
How exciting, that sounds like a day those students will never forget!!
I work in a high school of 1800+ students and ~160 teachers. How much bandwidth would we need to pull off something like this? We can fit close to 1000 in our auditorium which has a huge projection screen and amazing sound. We're trying to put this together so the entire school can participate. The linklive site looks great.
If you only had this playing and projecting from one or two computers in your school that shouldn't be a problem. The issue is if many schools in your district were doing this at the same time it may be a drain on the system district-wide. You should check with your local Department of Education technology specialists for insight into bandwidth capabilities. Interested New York City teachers and administrators can e-mail their borough technology manager (see the list at www.nycboe.net/schools/principals/weekly/20080106/borough_tech_mana...) with the email subject, "INAUGURATION.” Borough technology managers will contact schools to schedule a visit by a technician who will assess school’s capability to access the video stream.

You may also want to check out the bandwidth calculator at http://etoolkit.org/etoolkit/bandwidth_calculator/about.

I do think that more intimate opportunities to watch the inauguration could be preferable i.e. television in the library, radio in some classrooms, screening field trip for other classrooms and the remainder in the auditorium. I wrote details about how to do this at Watching the 2009 Presidential Inauguration with Students.



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