I've been reading a forum about teachers and others in education using twitter and have started following many of them. However, I'm looking for administrators that I could follow. The idea of bouncing ideas off of others is a strong notion. Thanks for all of you willing to follow me on twitter:

Tags: administration, networking, principal, twitter

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This seems to be a lonely world.
I am a principal in Washington, IL and I am trying to tweet announcements and "Tweet our own horn" a little bit to advertise some of the excellent things going on at school. I have downloaded the Twitvid app on my phone and I am able to record and tweet short video clips of things happening at school. So far, I have 7 followers :) I have just begun to advertise this, however and I am hoping it will catch on a bit more. It is an excellent way to put reminders out for picture day, market day pick up, board meetings, etc. It isn't very much work and I can tweet from my phone anywhere I am--concerts, ball games, professional development sessions, etc. My 7 followers are getting a great show! :) My Twitter ID is : @central51 Check us out!
Adam, very interesting to see how closely connected different social networks are to one another. When browsing the website for National Education Association earlier today, I found a link for Classroom 2.0 which then also had a link that led me to twitter. I also believe that in this day and age being able to create social networks around specific industries (education) as well as follow others has become #1 method to connect with others. Everyone should get on board! Thanks for your post!
I am in an administrators training learning about twitter. I am an Assistant principal in a middle school in Huntington Beach.
Adam, try following Tim Lauer, elem. principal from Oregon.
I heave heard that Chris Lehmann is the one to follow!
Funny you should ask, I just signed up on Twitter to follow a Twitter hosted by the Milken Family Foundation. I currently serve as the Director of Curriculum and Professional Development.
What is your twitter ID?
Adam...yes. I am an assistant superintendent. I have several followers who are teachers in my district, not many. It's more of a pull than a push to encourage use.
My twitter is @Bob_Pritchard if you'd like to follow
There are many CDN education administrators on twitter and growing fast. I'm following several and have many following me. My handle is MindShareLearn
FYI, we also publish a national Learning & Technology eMag call the MindShare Learning Report. It's FREE...you can access via www.mindsharelearning.com
I have a twitter account for our school that I use to post events and information and I'm just about to create an account for myself as an administrator. Funny you should mention it. Our school account is under ucsvermont....and I'll let you know my own account when I set it up.



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