I have mentioned Andrew Churches' (edorigami) work with the Bloom's Digital Taxonomy more than one here at CR 2.0. Being a teacher of the gifted, I've grown up with Benjamin Bloom and loved the way Andrew incorporated higher level thinking skills into rubrics for assessing many of the Web 2.0 tools. Wandering around his site I bumped into his "Starter Sheets". Even though there were "Starter Sheets" for a dozen or so tools I didn't see one for Google Earth so I emailed a couple of days ago and teasingly told him to create a "Starter Sheet" for Google Earth when he had some free time. Today he sent me one!! Wow--he's a rock star. Thanks, Andrew

PS Not to look a gift horse in the mouth I asked him (when he had time, of course) to create Starter Sheets for Alice, Scratch, Xtranormal and Atmosphir!!

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Thanks, Nancy

Great resources! (as always)
Hey Ian, how are you? Andrew said his next "Starter Sheet" is for ning!
I did note the omission, but lacking your gravitas, I thought it'd be an impolite request from me! Anyway, Nancy, I'm well. I've just got into RSS, so I can now keep a better ear on Classroom 2, Future of Education and Fireside as well as sundry other things. Once the site gets big, or busy the information supplied on the Main page is just not enough - but with a heads-up from RSS I can keep a little more track of the new.
(and of course, when Nancy has the byline - I want to know!!)



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