Several weeks ago, I ran across a web site that enables you to capture screen shots from the web. I have lost the site and am wondering if any of you know which site I am talking about. I am preparing a handout for my students and the screen shots would be invaluable.

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Jing is a good screen shot selection program:
If you're using a Mac press command+shift+3 for a complete screenshot and command+shift+4 for crosshairs you can click and drag to make only take a picture of a selection
There are many different programs that allow you to do that and other tricks too.

The place that I go to find free software is

Watch it. The site is addictive. You will find lots of neat things there.
I second the apple key +shift key+4 key on a mac. Very easy. On a pc, holding down the print screen key loads the entire screen into memory, but then you have to open a new paint file to paste it (a drag). A great, free tool for the pc is called zscreen, it gives that print screen key on the pc the same functionality as a mac's crosshair dragging screen capture. You must install it, however. Fantastic tool for creating content for presentations.

Also for the mac, I can't give enough props to Snapz Pro X & Quicktime Pro. Enables the user to capture anything, audio, video screen shots, whatever. You can capture a youtube clip, re-record narration on it, and export it as whatever you want.
Not that I espouse using this technique to easily capture content from any website, streaming audio, video, dvd, google earth walkthrough, live camera feed (like the vcr that you have tricked your computer into thinking is a webcam), or flash embedded picture feed.
The copyright police might hunt me down or something.
Hi Fred,

If you are on Windows simply:

- press the Print Screen button at the top of the keyboard this will copy the whole screen to the clipboard.
- to only capture the current window and not the entire screen, press ALT+Print Screen
- then go to whatever program you use for your handouts and paste it there (or paste it into a graphics program and save the image).

Most Linux distros work the same way, but it automatically pops up a window asking you where you want to save the image.

If you were looking for something else, please let us know a bit better what you are after.
Oh, I forgot. There is that website called ScreenToaster. i think it does audio as well.



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