Looking for outstanding resources dealing with Internet safety for k-8 students. Presos, sites, info, ideas, whatever you've used or would suggest. I'm looking to build a district wide presentation on the topic as well as adopt/create a curriculum for my district. Thanks for any help you might be able to provide.

Tags: Internetsafety, cyberbullying, help, safety

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Thanks for all the great resources. Very helpful!
Be sure to check out the CTAP Cybersafety Project

Also, take a look at our Directory of Cybersafety Education Agencies which contains links to over 80 education/governement/nonprofit groups involved in cybersafety education.
There are great resources listed in this discussion. ISafe has been mentioned.....created PowerPoint using ISafe.
How about using anecdotes taken from self experience and adapted to the public... I've tried this exercice and came up with the following presentation (not made for kids but thanx for feedback) :

Thanks. I'll check it out after work - Slideshare is blocked by my district. Bummer. Thanks though!
I have used the iSafe program. Their resources are quite good. Recently I purchased a copy of Adina's Deck, a video with scenes about teens handling this topic ($200) and attended a workshop with Katie Koestner from http://www.campusoutreachservices.com/resources-k12.html. They have some resources for sale right now for $50 3 DVDs, one of which is a book in .pdf format about the statistics. I also maintain a blog of resources for parents at: cfpmsparent.blogspot.com . This came about after I did several programs for our district PTA groups. Enjoy!!
Check out the free CyberSmart! Student Curriculum. Free to educators, the CyberSmart! Student Curriculum empowers students to use the Internet safely, responsibly, and effectively. Nonsequential, the free CyberSmart! Student Curriculum is easily integrated, in part or in full, into your current curriculum. Each lesson stands on its own. A consistent lesson model, including free reproducible student activity sheets, makes planning easy for thousands of educators worldwide. www.cybersmart.org

CyberSmart! is also extraordinarily pleased to announce the release of our CyberSmart! Cyberbullying Package, a positive and empowering suite of K-12 lessons. Our partners in distributing this package free to schools include National School Boards Association's Technology Leadership Network, Character Education Partnership, National Association of School Psychologists and National Cyber Security Alliance.
I use isafe.org here is an example of a video my students made about internet safety.

Here's a rich resource just out from Harvard's Berkman Center:

"Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies"
Here's an article about the Berkman Center's study:

"Harvard study: For teens MySpace might be safer than you think"
By Nancy Cambria
Erik, Did you every finish the presentation. I have a similar situation. Would you be willing to share your final resources?
Hey Mike -

My name is Jonathan King. I am the Director of Professional Development and Community Outreach at
i-SAFE. I noticed you are in Solano Beach. I am ijust north in Carlsbad. Let me know if you would like to meet in person. I would be happy to assist you. Here is my email address. jking@isafe.org



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