Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Welcome, my sis lives in Boca--she's taught at Spady in Delray for 30 years. This is her last year in a 44 year career.
Hello everyone. I'm a third-grade teacher in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. I've been incorporating technology into my classroom since I began teaching, 11 years ago. I am always looking for ways to increase my knowledge of, and my students' knowledge of technology as it relates to education. I am confident Classroom 2.0 will help me in this endeavor. Happy to join the network!
Hello friends! Been having fun browsing around. I am interested in picking some brains regarding parent/teacher conferences. I teach pre-k- a combination of theme-based, skills-based, reggio inspired curriculum. Conferences are upon us, and I would like them to be engaging and fun. Where would I post something like this? Thanks!!
Hi everyone. My name's Payungsak Kaenchan, a Fulbright FLTA (teaching assistant) in the Thai language at Northern Illinois University. I am a teacher of English in Thailand and now spending time co-teaching a Thai class at NIU. I am pretty much interested in the applications of Web 2.0 and interactive online learning to the teaching and learning. Looking forward to exploring something new, exciting and useful about Web 2.0 and classroom applications. Nice to know everyone. Stay warm!
Hi Everyone,
I am Herlina Surbakti in Jakarta. In general we are not very sophisticated in our educational technology here in Indonesia but I am working at the Jakarta International School where we have everything including a smart board in every classroom.
I am a language teacher and a Lifelong Learner.
Hi, I'm Quinton Walker, the Director of Global Studies at Holy Innocents' Episcopal School in Atlanta, GA. I've been here for some time now, but never really explored or been active here. Looking forward to learning and sharing with everyone.
Welcome aboard, you'll learn a lot.
Hello! My name is Rob and I am a EFL / ESL teacher currently living in the UK. I have recently moved into online teaching ( which I love ) and am keen to learn everything possible about 2.0 in order to enhance my English classes.
Hello to all,

I teach English Honors II at Stanton College Prep. in Jacksonville, FL. My class web site is at; my students blog about their writing and post poetry at and collaborate on vocabulary at I also have a quia site where I create interactive quizzes and games for my students at I am currently taking a three level course in podcasting - hoping to incorporate that into my class and I am involved with Neflins 23 things a project to support and encourage self-discovery and exploration of new technologies and their potential application in the library environment.
Hello! I'm Karen from Houston! I just joined Classroom 2.0 and EduBloggerWorld - all this weekend! I have created a blog and a reader this weekend as well - all thanks to Atomic Learning (our distict's staff development tool). I took their course Seven Steps to a Flat Classroom. I'm exicted and a bit overwhelmed! My feet are wet and I'm trying to keep my head above water! :-)

I'm looking for ways to help our campus (I'm the AP) use technology in meaningful ways with our middles school students. I have a feeling this is going to be a lot of fun!
Hello Karen from Houston. I am Yvonne from Melbourne, Australia. Welcome to the wolrd of Edublogs and Classroom 2.0. I began a Visual Arts blog in May 2008 and am enjoying it immensely. I joined Classroom 2.0 a week or so ago and have enjoyed meeting with teachers in other countries but all on the same mission, to enhance our own learning and that of our students. I also have had the feeling that it is a bit overwhelming at times, but stick at it and please feel welcome to make me a collegue.We all need a little encouragement at first, just like our students, but I think you'll have an amazing journey. Good luck and well done for taking the first steps. Cheers, Yvonne Osborn.
Hi, I'm Kevin from Western Mass.

I just made a leap of faith. I taught MS/HS Spanish for 11 years in a language lab setting. I separated myself last year and did the TPRS thing exclusively. It was then I realized my true calling. This year I took a full time Tech position in another position. I'm loving every minute, teaching kids web 2.0 +. My concern is, with budgets being ominous, and being new, would tech get cut or Flang? If you were admin and had to make the choice, what would it be? I gave up 11 years in a secure position, vale la pena?



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