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I am Sherry Wetherhold from the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania. I am a high school business and computer teacher and also a graduate student at Wilkes University.
Hello everyone,

My name is Brian Carmichael. I am teaching a grade 6 class of 27 great students. I am interested in finding out all I can about technology that can help me (and others) in the classroom. I am really excited this year because I am at a new school that is completely state of the art (Smartboard, 10 computers in the room, great software, etc...). It appears that I am the go to guy for the school website and info tech. I am looking forward to networking with other teaching professionals.
Let's go!
Stephen from Lousana, Alberta, Canada here.
I am an older rookie Senior High School English Language Arts Teacher. This is my fourth year teaching full time, ELA for three of these fun filled years. I have just begun this fascinating journey in to the world of web applications in the last year and must admit to being thrilled by the learning that has taken place inside and outside of the classroom. I have grown by leaps and bounds so far, as every day brings new understandings; many ahha moments, as well as the 'duh... should have seen that coming' insights. I have benefited too from the sharing of information and feedback that has been provided from my growing PLN. After all, is that not what this is all about?
I hail from the panhandle of Florida - DeFuniak Springs. I teach high school and adults - Introduction to Information Technology (this is my first year with this course and sorely need advice).
I Have been working in the school system for 14 years and love my job most days. Web 2.0 is so interesting and awe inspiring. I am reading World is Flat... Thomas Friedman. ( I am also reading the Hobbit) I love all things techie and the more they make me say wow...the better.
Hello everyone. My name is Matt Hensler. I'm from Williamsport, PA (Little League World Series anyone?), and I'm a Technology Education Instructor at Jersey Shore Area High School. Our district is involved with the CFF grant, and as a part of that, we're quite active in integrating technology into our classrooms. Our school is a member of the network, and as such, all teacher's have access to creating their own classes as well as share content with other members of the network. The major issue I seem to face with the Blendedschools network, is that there's very little representation for Technology Education teachers. I'm hoping that through Ning education as well as Classroom 2.0, I may be able to locate fellow Tech Ed instructors to share ideas with. I think professional and social networking can go a long way in improving our classes.

Additionally, I'm finding many new Web 2.0 applications through my Master's degree program in Instructional Media through Wilkes university. I consider myself pretty technologically literate, however, it's HOW you can utilize these various 2.0 apps in the classroom that can be the real challenge. I'm looking forward to networking with other teacher's to share ideas, and help me get started in better implementing technology into the classroom.
Hi! I am teach K-5 Gifted teacher in Florida and technology is a big part of what we do. We have had several blogs, podcasts, just got into email with them and they have ePortfolios. We are in the Mac format and honestly I can't imagine using anything else. I am looking forward to learning a few things and sharing a few things.
Welcome, I teach gifted, too. Check out the stuff we've done over the last few years.
Hi everyone,
My name is Rob Letcher. My "day job" is the Director of Instruction for k12, Inc. High School Programs worldwide. ( I am wild about edtech and passed "geek" status a few years ago - I think I am at "addict" level. I am excited and really happy to be so involved in online K-12 education. However, I am continually reminded that even the best online programs are not much more than the same old instructional model: There is a single source of truth for kids to learn - there's a right answer - learning has an 'end point'. I am currently learning as much as I can about alternative forms of learning - focusing my efforts on Inquiry- and Project-based learning.
If you know ANYTHING about these topics - I want to learn form you. Email me (, IM me (robletcherpa yahoo) or follow me on Twitter (robletcher - I'll follow you in return).
If you are DOING Inquiry-based learning, PLEASE let me know. If you are interested in starting something different - give me a yell.
Let's DO something!
Hello! My name is Diane Johnson. I am an educational consultant and I am the Director of Education for Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. I am happy to have joined this group and look forward to chats with educators who know that integrating themes into the classroom curriculum is an engaging way to help students be successful. I'm happy to share teaching ideas and listen to your ideas. As Iditarod 2009 approaches, may this be a best teaching season ever! Wishing your students great adventure learning projects and academic success!
Greeting everyone. I am Shelli from Millersburg, PA. I am a bus/computer teacher at Upper Dauphin Area HS. I am looking for new and creative ideas to incorporate Web 2.0 into my classroom. I am hoping that by joining this network, I will find lots of new ideas and also new friends. :-)
Hi Everyone. I'm Colin Pinnavaia from Brooklyn, NY. I am the Assistant Director of Technology and a Teacher at a Catholic High School in Brooklyn. Happy to be here.
I'm Freda Anderson, I'm a student, 10th grade at Science Leadership Academy... I heard about this site at Educon today so I thought I'd check it out...



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