In a few weeks I will be giving a PD on online collaborative projects. I would like to share examples of how wikis can be used to create collaborative projects. The PD is directed at elementary age students in grades 3-5. It does not matter if the project has already been completed or is currently open to contributions. Subject also does not matter.

Does anyone have a wiki site they would be willing to allow me share?

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What grades do you use for these wikis? Language classes are not available in our district until grade 6. The only languages to choose from are Spanish or French. I'm hoping sharing these links might inspire some interest in languages at the elementary level.

I also just wanted to mention that I really enjoyed reading the content. My family immigrated here from, of all places, Germany. It was a treat to try to see how much of my first language I could still read. Thanks for sharing.
Here a two for you (actually more than that if you follow links on these first ones). Our Amistad wiki project is all student created- four different wikis for four different classes. This one is about content and is complete. The second wiki is our science fair wiki. This site has about 400 students. Different classes are in different places in regards to progress so the site is definitely still in development. This one is good for showing individual student work and the discussions around the work. Check out the projects page for links to individual projects and the accompanying discussions.

Hope this helps
Thanks for sharing your sites. My own students are building their first wiki on the water cycle and your wikis will be great models to share with my fourth graders. I had been struggling with finding an effective way to have students combine content information with presenting the results of experiments. Looking at these sites back to back gave me several ideas.
Glad you could get something from these. I would love to see your students work if you can post it.
We just started the project last week so it will be a while before we are done. I can send you the link when we are done.
I have used a wiki in my 3rd grade music classes to collaborate with a 5th grade music teacher from another area. Our wiki is at
Unfortunately, I have no music teachers attending my upcoming PD, but I will share this site on my collaborative projects wiki and directly with music teachers in my district. Thanks for sharing.
Here are a few of ours. This is a great thread to watch.

Grade 5 –
Novel study of Turn Homeward, Hannalee. This was the first wiki project for my school and the students were really engaged. It was before I discovered Wikispaces, so the students were actually doing some wiki markup, which was a neat layer.

Grade 4 -
Novel study for My Side of the Mountain

Grade 3 –
Third grade study of Westward Expansion.

Grade 2 -
This is a collaborative space for three second grade classes – lots of different projects and the kids are creating some of the content. Most recent is the penguin research.
Here is a wikipage that I had set up that would "house" collaborative projects done with my third graders and other schools.

It contains Voicethreads, Google Docs, videos, PodCasts, and other examples.
I'm in the middle of a project with some of my high school students (we're in the research phase of the project). There will be three graded parts - the research process, their presentation of their topic (using PowerPoint) and then their wiki page. We'll have a starting point page where you can get to all of the pages for the project and then the kids will be creating the pages themselves. Some of the people being researched have multiple students assigned to them so they'll have to work together to put the information on the site. This project is currently being geared towards autistic kids so some of the rigor has been scaled back a tiny bit and will be expanded if the kids prove they can handle it (this is the first time they've done a project of this sort, so they're a little anxious). (starting page for project - eventually will have links) (example & btw - not my real birthday in there ;-) )
Great project! To provide children with autism a project that will also provide opportunities to socially interact and make decisions together is impressive.
I started a class wiki last year and have had students use it to create review pages, post projects, collect resources, find videos among other things. You are more than welcome to view it.



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