I am a teacher and graduate student looking to utilize RSS feeds in the classroom. Does anyone have a recommendation about programs/services that are good for the classroom. My only experience is with Google Reader and Page Flakes and I'd like something else that is more classroom oriented!


Thanks in advance for your help!

Meagan : )

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We have used netvibes for the past several years and love it http://www.netvibes.com/

Thanks for the suggestion Rich! I'll be sure to check it out!

: )
Meagan, thanks for asking one of the questions I have been pondering but have not been able to get nailed down!!
Hopefully we'll get some good discussion going! Maybe lots of other folks have had the same thought! ; )
I have used RSS in my classroom for the past two years. I have used only Google Reader, since we use Google Docs heavilly (keep logins to a minimum). What would make something more "classroom oriented" for you? For me the ability to create, as a teacher or as students, a set of feeds related to specific topics that could be shared easily between groups would be helpful. What else?
Thanks for the insight about Google Reader. I'm still realatively new to it myself, and I'm finding that my one frustration is that I can't figure out how (or if it's even possible) to remove/delete a story once you've viewed it. Having to navigate (tag or otherwise) more than 1000 stories drives me batty! Additionally, I think "classroom oriented" for me means it's a more stream-lined approach, not the usual distractions/bells and whistles of a Google (or any other site for that matter). Does that make sense? Also I agree with you, the ability to create, a set of feeds that could be shared easily between groups would be helpful!
I just took some time to look around at Google Reader. I did find a shared items link, so sharing is possible. You are right about the long list of articles, I remember that bugging me. I use bloglines for myself but have found Google Reader to be better for the kids. I haven't really pushed to far with it yet (I am sure the shared items has been there forever, but I just didn't look at it). Sharing would be easier if I could have things organized according to my students easilly. There probably is a way to do this, I just haven't explored it yet. Given that I have kept such a simplistic view of using the tool, I haven't had any issues with the "bells and whistles".
I search high and low for appropriate feeds for our class blog. Here is a post I wrote about the feeds we use for elementary.

Oops-just reread your post--I thought you were looking for feeds, not feed readers.
Thanks for the thoughts! If nothing else, you inspired me to check out your class blog and it is AWESOME!!! It's sure to be one I follow! Keep up the great work!

Meagan : )
I completely agree, the possibilities do indeed seem endless! Thus, my quest for a way to organize interesting RSS feeds continues. I work in a setting where students often are overwhelmed by the many options a Google search gives, let alone a continual feed about a variety of topics. I think the thing I'm looking for is simply a way to take in and organize information and be able to get rid of the "junk"! Does that make any sense?!



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