I teach in a middle school setting, and I would like to connect with other Canadians, in particular, Atlantic Canadians. I'm part of the Canadian Mash-up group, which is great, and I'm wondering if there would be any others who may want to connect in the context of that group, or with me and my classroom.

Tags: canada, collaboration, socialstudies

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HI Pat -- I had originally intended to go through the Classroom 2.0 memberhip list province by province, sending out invitations to join the Mashup until the floods of emails that everyone was getting discouraged me. I can try again if you'd like. I may not get to it until Spring Break, but that could bring in more members from Atlantic Canada. -SueH
After I posted this, I searched Classroom 2.0 for people from "NL" and "Newfoundland". I found a few, and attempted to make contact with one Middle School SS teacer.

If you were going to do this anyway, I'm sure it would have benefits. I can also see why you would get discouraged, as well. Don't do it just for me, but it probably would benefit more than just me, as well. Thank you.
OK -- I'll resume the 'membership drive' during spring break. Some people don't put their province into their profiiles. Give me a list of cities as well, and I'll do a big search. It will net some I'm sure. When I'm ready I'll let you know. I really wish there was some sort of central edublogging service/list for Canadian educators. There is one for all Aussie teachers and it's so easy to find people there.
Hi Pat - I'm a junior high teacher in Calgary - not quite East Coast!! But I am interested in collaboration. Do you have skype? I'm neil.stephenson there.

You can see some of the work my kids have been doing at: http://thinkinginmind.blogspot.com/

Looking forward to hearing from you..
Hi Pat,

In in Regina, SK so not exactly the Atlantic Canadians you were looking for, but would be interested in conecting with you and your class. Let me know what you are interested in working on. I think Skype is a great idea, Neil. My skype name is bobiashj.
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