If Microworlds, Squeak, Scratch, Agent Sheets, Alice, GameMaker, Python and Ruby don't sound like random gibberish to you I need your help! I'm trying to describe the computational thinking capabilities that are drawn on and developed when kids operate in these programming environments. I'm also trying to sort them along a developmental continuum. Have you used these with kids? Why? What did they get out of their experiences, and how might that learning connect to more formal CS learning? THANKS!

Tags: gaming, pedagogy, science

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We have been studying single-gender for a while and are piloting some classes in 5th grade (math, science, technology and media). I am the Technology Specialist and very interested in your pair programming.

I am finding that much of the research about the observable behaviors, how boys and girls learn, and how they react in classrooms is ringing TRUE in my classes. It is very interesting!
Please point the way to more research and guidance. I appreciate it! (Going now to NCWIT link.)
Jeff: I'm interested in the Clickteam tutorials, will give a look. I'm pretty concerned with messaging (I bet you are too). I'm trying to imagine convincing inexperienced teachers (who aren't as FEARLESS as NANCY!) to try using computing environments with kids. We need people to see computing as important and creative. It's just wrong that only a certain type of person is expected to find their way into computing. We need every kind of mind innovating, and most innovation now involve computational science to some degree.
Please check out the org I'm consulting with: The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT)
OH, and WOW if you can give away a conference reg, I could use one. As a person with a "portfolio career" (writing, consulting, speaking) I don't have an org that pays my way to conferences. It gets expensive.
Jane as soon as I get word on the full conference pass its yours.
The last couple years -- we failed to even give them away.

Classroom 2.0 is an interesting site -- I have it booked marked now so I can make it back more easily :)
Hey Jeff, I'm glad you like Clrm 2.0 (I'm a host here). It's a hopping place. Keep me in mind when you hand out the NECC passes.... Best to you!
I am going to NECC this summer (and presenting)! Do you still have a conference registration to give away? That would be a MAJOR help!

jonelleg on Twitter
Naturally, the interested ones can join in the open software community developing or supporting some initiative that interests them. I don't think anyone in the community asks about formal degrees or certificates - they only are concerned about competence. Incidentally, anyone who wants to enter a university or graduate program can benefit greatly from adding this experience to their c.v.

Walter Bender has added a feature to the Turtle Art activity which allows programs developed there to be exported to UCB Logo. This gives kids an easy path into the text programming world. Logo, of course, implements LISP. Pippy supports export of Python code as a full standalone Sugar Activity, something a kid can do for a real Wow! factor. The XO terminal allows kids to use nano or vim to write or modify Sugar Activities (the Log Activity is very valuable for debugging).

All of these are ways for kids to participate in computer science as true practitioners
and scholars (who would gladly learn and gladly teach).

This is great. Pippy on the XO was really forward thinking. Kids as teachers-- great idea. Wonder if MIT/OLPC is paying attention to or evaluating kids use. Do you know?
Hi Jane,

In Ga, we use Alice, Scratch, Python and Media Computation a lot in HS computing courses.
The idea is to make computing courses more interesting and relavant to kids.

We also train teachers to teach computing courses in our ICE (Institute of Computing Education) http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu/ice-gt.

You can find research results and curriculum there.

We have a few NSF projects working on developing new curriculum and traning teachers.
I bet you know Mark Guzdial and Barb Ericson. Do you know Owen Mathews, a CS teacher in your area? He's trying to come up with a club for girls that will be really engaging. Thanks for the ICE link. Is it for sci/math teachers in K-8 or just HS?
Yes, I know Mark and Barb (I actually like them much!). I remeber we have one Owen Mathews in Barb' workshop attendee list a few years ago. But I don't actually know him much:-)

The ICE involves both Pre-HS as well. Barb organize tons of computing courses/camp/clubs, collaborating with lots of lots of partners:-) She is a pretty lady and very nice. You can drop her a note if you have any question:-)
I have used Scratch with 4th/5th graders the last two years. Each year I try to add more tools for different grade levels and projects.
Why? and What did they get out of it? Since "computer programming" is not a part of our elementary curriculum, my main focus is to integrate technology to support current curriculum and ISTE standards. When I first learned about Scratch, I went in with the idea of math and logic support. Then came including concepts and practice with variables in Science and reflective writing skills.
Great list list of resources in this thread I look forward to looking into them.

Contact me if anyone is interested in student communication about projects. This year I have 5th grade single gender classes Tech-Girls and Tech-Guys and a mixed class.
JoNell, this is great. I appreciate your interest in connecting programming with "concepts and practice with variables in Science and reflective writing skills." Since you teach fifth grade, I wonder if there are also connections to be made with prealgebra. I'm looking at ways to use these programming environments to support later algebra learning. Algebra is such a gateway subject-- kids who do well go on into higher math and computer science. Those who fail will likely have little access to computer science beyond the experiences you provide them in grade 5. Would you be interested in comparing the conceptual underpinning of algebra and computing to figure out how activity in each can be mutually reinforcing?



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