Hi all,
Just wanted to post about a spotlight session at NECC called,

Papert Matters - Thinking About Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas
Gary Stager, Pepperdine University 3:30-4:30 PM Tuesday, June 26
Seymour Papert’s work has defined the frontiers of education for 40+ years. Gary will share what Papert’s ideas mean for the future of learning.

Seymour Papert is "the father of educational technology". Alan Kay invented the personal computer after seeing Papert's work with children. Everything we do with computers and kids in school stems from his research and work with real kids and real schools. He is not an ivory tower academic. I'm totally not making this up or exagerating, his work from the past 40 years is informative, accessible, and incredibly relevant to what all of us do every day.

Today, he is still recovering nearly a year after a very serious accident where he was hit by a motorcycle in Vietnam and suffered major brain injuries. He was there (at 80 years old) working on the One Laptop per Child initiative (OLPC). OLPC owes its philosophy, child-centered design, and trust in "Kid Power" directly to Seymour.

NECC is giving Gary this time to talk about the legacy of Papert and to help put all this technology into context. Gary worked with Dr. Papert on Maine laptop initiative and building an alternative educational environment in the Maine Youth Center (prison), so he knows Papert both personally and professionally.

If you are interested in computers, constructivism, learning and teaching with technology this is a must see session.

Any other "can't miss" sessions? Feel free to add them here...


PS I've attached a handout from Creative Educator magazine with NECC sessions of interest to educators who use project-based technology in their classes. It's got sessions on multimedia, Web 2.0, programming, game making, authentic tech literacy, and more.

Tags: necc07, papert

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Have been following NECC (from Thailand) where I could during the first two days .... but personally find it difficuly to keep up with Blogs (even using RSS) ... the amount of text just overwhelmes me, but just a personal problem.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to find one NECC live webcast .... ;-(
Have has a couple of hours of discussions about NECC at ISTE Island in SecondLife.
So .. please education SANTA .... for my next Christmas present please have live webcasts from NECC 2008 being shown in SecondLife to virtual audiences ..... the technology can do it now .... it just need the organisers to embrace it.

Coincidentally I've had a mini rant recently about Naace (UK) not producing many Podcasts of their professional events .... and then the very next day find some videos of some of these events online .... weird world ... moving too fast for me .... where are my digital skates ... and they better be ice skates as I think I may be skating on thin ******
I've embeded the videos at http://technologyteachlearn.blogspot.com one of the sites that make up my Forest of Theme Blogs
Have fun ....
Thanks for the heads-up on this one. There's so many sessions, and so many that I want to attend (I think my original planner had something like 15 conflicts). This looks like a great session and I would have missed it. Thanks again. :)
My NECC program is so full of yellow exclamation points - I am really looking forward to the many great speakers and new ideas.
NECC promises some excellent sessions... but I thought I'd add to the mix with a non-NECC meeting taking place on Tuesday, June 26, 2007 from 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. at the Atlanta Marriott Downtown (160 Sprint Street) in the Centennial Ballroom.

Most likely you've heard about the US Dept. of Ed. study on the efficacy of educational software. This 2 1/2 hour session will "report" on the findings from the study. Consider this as just one more great option during NECC. Register here for this free meeting.
Hi Sylvia -

I just got Creative Educator in the mail, and I loved it! Is it a new publication?

I am going to be too busy to see much at NECC this year, ironically enough. I'll be in the Apple and Google booths, doing a workshop on global collaboration Monday AM, a podcasting session on Tuesday, and another global ed panel on Wednesday. Not sure if any of these qualify as not to be missed sessions, but all are welcome. I am particularly excited about Monday's hands-on workshop.
Hi Lucy,
Glad you like it - I wish I could take credit for it! It is new, it's a publication done by the folks at Tech4Learning, who make some great creativity tools for kids and teachers. (ImageBlender, Claymation Kit, Pixie, lots more) It's a way to share ideas about creative technology projects for students. I love the cover of the current issue with the butterflies coming out of the laptop - it's so pretty! You can see it here and download the whole issue.

The current issue has articles on the project process, the New Bloom's Taxonomy, lesson ideas for technology projects in lots of subjects like K-2 science, video poetry and history. I'm sure you noticed the 4th grade global citizenship project!

There is also a pullout of NECC sessions about creativity that is handy. (This is what I uploaded here.)

Tech4Learning is one of the founding members of the Constructivist Consortium (along with us, Generation YES) and we are all at NECC. There's a big prize drawing too, with licenses for software, a GenYES license, and a virtual author visit with Peter Reynolds of Fablevision. You can get entry cards at any of the booths (ours is #1952)

I'll come visit you if I can - but I'm sure you will be mobbed at both Apple ("where can I get an iphone?") and Google ;-)
Thanks Sylvia for the heads up. I'm going through the program now and choosing my sessions!
See you and Gary at NECC.
The ePals founder and the founder of the Flat Stanley project will be at the ePals booth #656! You'll have to stop by the visit! For more information, visit our NECC ePals blog at http://sites.epals.com/necc! You can also post a comment on my blog there as well. See you at NECC!!!
Well I can only blame myself for a late start. Thanks Sylvia for the Guide. I found some great-looking events that I would like to attend. I wish could I have attended the Consortium event Sunday. Maybe next time.

Thanks for the recommendation Sylvia! I'd love to "meet' in person while we are here. Maybe at this session!
Hi Carolyn,
I've been rushing around like crazy but it might be a good day today! I'll try to stop by the Blogger lounge. Had a great late night chat with Chris Lehman last night - he has my phone number if you run into him!! or you can email me sylvia at genyes.com



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