Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hello Folks. Stephen here. i support, encourage and cojole the use of Moodle in Sparsholt College, Hampshire, UK. I used to be in sales of capital equipment to the pre-press industry.
HI Everyone..Asslam o Alaikum..
iRushd here..I m a student of Electronics Engineering in Pakistan,,n I m here to do my term project about online resources of Classroom 2.0 and their applications and effectiveness in engineering studies.
SO anyone really experienced in using resources of CR 2.0 is welcome to hit me up.
Hi! My name is Charles Everett and I teach internet marketing at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. I'm happy to be part of the Classroom 2.0 community!
Hi, My name is Tim and I'm from Hanford, CA. I'm a 2nd grade teacher in a rural K-8 school. Just found this site and looking around to see what it's about and if it's another resource I can use.
Hi, Joce (Jocelyn) WIlliams from Auckland New Zealand. I'm gradually becoming more of a geek... have always loved to bring variety to my classes anyway. Now, a course fully online: I'm using Moodle this semester to teach master's students enrolled in a course called Management Communication. I'm keen to do this really well; I know I have lots to learn. This site looks really helpful.
Hi there! I'm Laurie Hornik, NYC middle school English teacher. I want to learn more about having my students discuss books online.
I've done a bunch of online book discussions using Moodle. You can read about them at Let me know if you want to see Moodle in action. N.
Thanks, Nancy. We use Moodle at my school too, and I have a Moodle site. Do you use Moodle's wiki or forum or something else to have online book discussions? L
We use the forum, if you want to visit go here and login in using baguest as username and password. Be sure to choose 'simple single discussion' as your forum type when you are setting up your discussion questions. .
I have a love-hate relationship with the online book disscussion. I love the idea but hated some of the reality of it. Read about that on my comment here.
Hello, all. I am a bit slow on the uptake in an introduction having actually started here last month. Be that as it may, I am the Director of Technology at an independent school here in NYC. In addition to my administrative and managerial responsibilities, I teach a section of 7th grade English (helps to keep the work real).

I am always interested in connecting my classes and those of my colleagues with others from nearly anywhere. While natural connections involving similar curriculum or content areas always make sense, I appreciate the challenges of making connections and creating the learning with remote colleagues and classes even if we do not seem to have one of those apt links from the start.
Hello! My name is Kathy Cook and I live in sunny Chandler, Arizona. I work for University of Phoenix doing program design and curriculum development for teacher education programs and courses that are taught on-gound and online. We are getting ready to start a new professional development program for online instructors. I would love to get some input from other online instructors about what they think is important in the training of new online teachers and topics that would be of interest for more experienced online teachers.
Welcome aboard! You might post this as a discussion on the home page (scroll down to the bottom of the discussion forums until you see 'add new forum discussion'). You'll get more exposure. N



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