I launched my 3 months in the making Alternate Reality Game today and I think I may have done it a little too well. In the middle of a video they were watching I had an image break in and type messages to me like in The Matrix. Apparently I played it well because the kids were seriously worried. I checked the locks on the door and told them it was finally happening.

I passed out the attached packets and told them they had been chosen and I could tell them no more. If anyone is interested in following along feel free to use the clues in the packets to get started.

Today went well and I sure hope this works out.

Tags: alternate, game, gaming, reality

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We had "Intensive Training" today after school. About 20 kids out of my 70 showed up, I'd say not bad at all for an activity that would get them no points and had only 2 days notice.

We played some brain games to warm them up then I had them discuss what they had thought of so far. It was very interesting to see what all they had tried in the last week. Many things I never would have thought of. Eventually with a few extra hints from me they did solve the first clue so we are on our way!

The only hints I gave them beyond the initial document (which you can download in my original post, its the arg honey pot file) was:

1) The clue is in the picture.
2) The number of circles and dashes matter.

As far as how this works, it is not being written as I go. I've spent the last 4 months putting together the story and puzzles. It is all written out and while I am making adjustments as I test it (such as adding a training meeting!) it is all laid out already. If anyone wants to see the layout file I can send it to them. It is a powerpoint and honestly is little more than a stream of consciousness that I'm not sure anyone but myself could understand but I'm more than happy to send it along.

Lastly, in terms of the "other" players like admins, parents and teachers, so far the only people even in the loop so to speak are parents and only if their kids told them. I have one other teacher who helped me design the game and one of our counselors knows a bit because she's going to be one of the clues. Beyond that I'm just keeping things quiet until I can really sell it.

If today is any indication of how it will go, it will be amazing. The kids were SOOOOOO excited when they finally got the clue solved. 10 of them have already emailed me about the next clue!
Hi Kev - Based on your inspired idea I am attempting one of my own about Samurai. Are you able to send me your 'stream of consciousness'? I might help me structure things a little better. In exchange I'll send you my material too - such as it is! cfostersensei@gmail.com
Check's in the mail, so to speak. Should come from jivemastakatyahoo.com.
I am involved in an European Union project called ARGuing for Multilingual Motivation. We have made an ARG to promote language learning in secondary students. http://arg.paisley.ac.uk/index.php

One of the resources the project is producing are a series of Case Studies of the use of ARGs in education with Empirical data.

Do you think it would be possible for you to help me with this task? I need a short description of your game, who played it, 'perhaps' expectations, and then results etc.

Many thanks for any help.

Joel, I wrote to and received emails from Professor Thomas in Scotland about this project as I really keen to have a go at this but for my Japanese classes. Deal me in too please! Kev, please post your ppt somewhere 'cause I'd love to see how you compiled this.
I'd love to help I'm just not sure what you need exactly. What I can tell you is that the players are my 7th grades (ages 12-13) gifted/talented classes. It is a weeks (months?) long themed around the interconnectedness of history.

My only expectation honestly for this first run is that they have fun and stretch their brains a bit. So far so good!
Kev, I've decided you are just playing us all. Here we are well-educated adults with exceptional creative and critical thinking skills (hem hem) and you have snookered us all. Are we being punked? You're making it seem like we are only moments away from finding the first clue--when most of us don't have a clue. I'm going to have a demand a hint or I'm not playing any more. (ha)

Did you ever see Michael Stadther's book, A Treasure's Trove. Readers were to decipher clues with in the words and illustrations in the book. These clues lead to jeweled brooches "In order to claim a jewel, one must find one of the twelve 18K gold tokens, each one redeemable for one jewel, that Stadther has hidden in twelve separate locations throughout the continental USA. "The tokens are not located in caves or underwater, or on mountaintops, or on private property. Nothing has to be moved or lifted to find them. They are hidden in places accessible to everyone," Stadther says."

What a fun idea, for some reason your ARG reminds me of this. Also reminds my of the D'Vinci Code!! You can email me privately with my clue hint!! :) Nancy

I've posted the solution to the clue here: if you want to see it then click below. If not, then don't. http://mrroughton.com/arg.aspx

My kids continue to fly through, cracking code 3 in about 36 hours. The beauty of any ARG is how much collaboration it takes to solve any given puzzle. It is incredible to see how they are working together. This next clue may stump them for awhile so I'm very interested to see where it goes.
Kev, Stop please stop---sure it's easy for the kids!! You probably know that I teach gifted kids too. EVERYDAY I introduce them to something I don't have a clue how to do---I'm reading the spoiler and you can't stop me. Keep up the good work. N.
Ah...I know it had to do with the pictures, just missed the wikispaces clue. What a great project, I bet your kids love it. Did you know you can wikispaces without ads?
I signed up as an education but still getting the ads so I just kinda ran with it. I'm new to wikis entirely so please enlighten me!
You have to sign up through this site. This is what it'll look like without ads. Email them and they will switch you over so you don't have to move all your stuff.



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