In case this is of interest to other, I came across this information. 3 manuals on how to use google earth in a classroom. I had a quick look. They seem well done. Visit the manuals webpage at to obtain the pdfs.

Virtual Fieldwork Using Google Earth

An introductory manual to using Google Earth with a GPS unit and digital camera to create virtual tours of fieldwork. The techniques can be extend the value of fieldwork back in the classroom, where it can be reviewed, shared and used to prepare for the next time (PDF, 1.2MB)

Advanced Virtual Fieldwork Using Google Earth

This manual contains additional techniques including importing spreadsheets; creating polygons and paths; inserting video; using image overlays; and creating 3D graphs based on field data. (PDF, 3.0MB)

School Grounds Projects Using Google Tools

All the information needed to carry out Digital Fieldwork in the school grounds. The manual is based around a 6 session project investigating any aspect of the school grounds and covers the following topics: digital photography, blogging, Google Earth, Google Maps, digital video, and project management. (PDF, 2.6MB)

Tags: geography, google-earth, manual

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Interested in these resources, especially in basing a summer unit around school grounds projects and using tech more as part of our development as a department. - thanks for the links

I think google earth is great and has so many applications beyond geography. I have used it here in Korea with my ESL students and they love it. It really helps to put the world in perspective for them. I love first showing them where we are(the schools location) then flying off to distant lands and looking at animals, people, weather, tourism, architecture and of course geography.

Thanks for the post~

Thank you for sharing the manuals! Have you used google Lit Review?
great resources, thanks for the links! I'm trying to find new ways to help my third graders access the "real world" with virtual technology....

Check out this cool site which shows the CO2 emissions in the US from various sources:



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