I have read that this is possible, that using a Wii or a Wii Remote can turn an ordinary whiteboard into a relatively inexpensive Smartboard.

My question is: why? Oh sure, the finances may be reason enough for teacers without a Smartboard, but I have one already. Are there any reasons for me to experiment with this? Are there things I could do with a Wii that I can't already do?

I could sift through the mountains of info already out there, but I thought I'd start here.

Tags: smartboard, wii

Views: 108

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If you had access to 2 projectors you could do some pretty nifty games and competitions with 2 interactive boards going at once.
In the same room? What about different classrooms?
Can your smartboard:
1. Left click, right click, middle click & mouse over
2. Be controlled from a distance
3. Be displayed and controlled from the floor with your class sitting around the display
4. Be controlled from two displays simultaneously
5. Limit the area of the display that can be controlled
6. Execute multiple key strokes/applications/files from the around the interactive surface
7. OCR is any application
8. Move to another classroom, surface, wall, etc (without requiring a tradesman & trolley)
9. Fit in a box that you can carry around with you
10. Turn your laptop/Monitor LCD into an interactive surface
11. Act as an alternative input device (control flash games, music apps, etc)

Oh yeah how much did you pay for your "smart"board again?

Ben :-)

p.s. Sorry for my sense of humor but you asked the question, a community of passionate users wanting accessible interactive technology made it possible! hehe



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