Hello, I am very much interested in a a framework called "TPACK."
Content Knowledge

(Image from
http://www.tpack.org/, updated 3/16/09)
The intersection of these three domains for any given educator intrigues me and obviously the academic community as well due to the growing body of academic research on it.
summary it is the"essential qualities of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching." Personally, I believe it is the key to effective technology integration in any given school district. I would like to begin a discussion here on this very topic. The purpose is two-fold:
1) Increase the general awareness of the TPACK framework so that others in this network may benefit (Reach out)
2) Bring together like-minded individuals who are already familiar with the framework to expand upon our current working knowledge and understanding of its implications on teaching and the diffusion of educational technology (Reach in)
With that in mind, please post below if you are interested in joining this conversation. I will post several other TPACK (formerly known as 'TPCK') resources below to help those unfamiliar with it get started.
home at Punya Mishra's Michigan State University webpage.
The original
article as published in
An entertaining
video by Mishra and Koehler from a keynote on TPACK.
(More to come, if others are interested)