Hello All:

We are building a lesson plan for using technology in teaching high school maths. We are looking to make optimal use of some or all of the following:

1. Open source software applications
2. Internet tools like WebQuest, blogs, social networking

Because of budgetary restrictions, we are not supposed to use hardware items like smartboards, multiple video cameras etc. The idea is to devise an economical lesson plan which could act as an example for teachers in high schools to develop more such lessons.

If you could pass on any inputs, web resources, names of books etc, I would appreciate it.

Best regards.



Tags: ict, internet, maths, technology, webquest

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Thanks for your post.

Grades: 6 - 10
Content: Maths, which would cover algebra, geometry, trigonometry.
Teaching approach: Student centered.

I hope this has the necessary information.


I second the Moodle suggestion as a base for the lessons to run out of.

Two of the classes I teach are chemistry and physics and, though a hardware suggestion, I must emphasis the need for a pen style input for the students to use. Math, chemistry and physics are subjects where you have notation that the keyboard has a hard time emulating and the mouse adds a layer of frustration to trying to write that will 'wig'out' most students under a time pressure. There are math editors out there that can be used, but as of yet they are clunky in my opinion and don't give you all the tools needed for such things as geometry and sketching out a problem to find a solution path. The ability to write freely while still in a digital domain lets the technology get out of the way to let the students concentrate on the task at hand.
I have used moodle and Manhattan Virtual Classroom. Both are password protected environments, both are open source. But Moodle requires a database usually MySQL, and particullarly if your hardware is older or not top of the line Manhattan performs better.

I like moodle, but I choose Manhattan to meet my classroom needs. I also use Wiki's and Blogs.

JS Wiki Math
We use CPM math which has the students write learning logs on each new concept. Recently, we started posting the student responses to a class wiki. The students used to hate doing their learning logs, but now enjoy discussing their team's responses before posting. Unfortunately, the students are block at school from accessing "social" websites and must do their entries at home. We are trying to get the school board to see the light.
Great inputs from everyone!

- Liked Geogebra application (thanks, Matt)
- I have some exposure to Moodle - the basic setup etc, so, I can try that as well.
- Found another - online group, focused on this topic, and has some good inputs as well.
- Discovered another useful site.

With all of the above, I think I have sufficient information to get started. Thank you all for your inputs.
Hi Prem,
Here are some webpages that I have made to help my students. Please feel free to use everything:

My Homepage: http://schools.u-46.org/index.pl?op=show&iid=2990

Algebra 1 (our district calls it 1-2): http://schools.u-46.org/index.pl%3Fiid%3D27508

Geometry: http://schools.u-46.org/index.pl?id=5008

Algebra 2 (our district calls it 3-4): http://schools.u-46.org/index.pl?iid=27591

Precal: http://schools.u-46.org/index.pl?iid=11250

Calc: http://www.u46.k12.il.us/shs/einsteindarwinshs/19200.htm

Stats: http://www.u46.k12.il.us/shs/einsteindarwinshs/19200.htm

Homework Help: http://schools.u-46.org/index.pl?id=6487
You might find some lessons of interest in my website: RealWorldMath.org. It has lessons and activities that use Google Earth. The content level is primarily for the middle grades but there are some interesting peripheral topics there, such as fractals and modern geometry. SketchUp has a lot of potential also, and I have few activities with that.
Thank you, Thomas and Greg. I still have to download the Google Earth scripts from your site and see how they work.



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