I have been researching what makes video games compelling/addicting for students (not that I would ever spend precious time with those dastardly, mind-altering life leechers). Ultimately, I want to integrate these aspects into the classroom.

The following attributes all, to one degree or another, contribute to making games fun:

Interactivity, choice, variation, engages the senses, power-ups/privleges, rewards (which lead to similar, yet bigger rewards), resource management, compelling story, graphics/production values, leveling-up/gaining ranks. (If you think of any more, could you let me know?)

I've already integrated many of these features into my cirriculum, but "rewards leading to rewards" seemed elusive. How do you get students to want to learn so that they can unlock more learning? Is it even possible? Will students push themselves to learn so they can learn?

As I considered this, I thought about which educational approaches might mesh best with game theory. Then the heavens opened up and a light shone upon Benjamin Bloom's Mastery approach. I know there are reasons why educators do not use his method (namely time constraints and standard proliferation), but it fits rather well.

I've attached my outline, please give me feedback as I want to refine this before I implement it.


Tags: games, gaming, innovation, integration, mastery

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I went to your sight and poked around, but I'm not quite sure I understand the mechanics behind it. Assuming I understand it correctly, it looks engaging and I'm inrigued. But could you please break it down for me?

It is still in the early stages, but basically it is a mosaic story coupled with role playing. In the next round of posts, I will be entering plot churning to each of the student posts in the Character tabs. Then, in class, we will practice role playing, and from the role playing they will generate their next posts. In the role playing, they have plot points to spend, etc. Most of them do not have experience in any form of rpg, so it will push my game mastering skills.
What are the learning objectives for this? Is this a creative writing class?

I've recently read some neat ideas on blogging for math teachers (which is what I am). I'm trying to imagine how you your format might fit into content objectives in realms beyond creative writing or discussion around current topics in the content areas like science and social studies.
The class is an elective called "integrated projects"

The objectives are multi faceted, clearly in the language arts arena, students will write and respond with x amount of content dependent on differentiation, etc.

Science content will be the relation between their designated power and how they can relate real world physics to what their character can do, and limitations therein.

In terms of NETS/ISTE, a lot of the top two: Creativity and Innovation; Collaboration and Communication.
21st Century Learning Skills- advanced problem solving, etc.

Your post made me think about economics and the game, and the effect on world balance of resources and supply/demand if individuals have powers...that is a hook I am going to explore in game terms. When one looks at games like Pandemic, or Power Grid, even Agricola, the resource to time allocation is one of the crucial elements of game balance.
Chris - are you currently implementing this? Or are you getting ready for a full scale launch next year? If you are implementing, how is it going?
Chris, I saw that someone mentioned James Gee's book about literacy and video games. I thought I'd share two articles the wrote that happened to be on my desktop screen.
I am running and ARG for my year 9 and 10s doing a Japanese History assignment on samurai. I have a blog here

I have learnt a hell of a lot doing this and when I run one again - I'll make a number of changes. But, being a massive nerd when it comes to computer games I can see a lot of opportunities to use the principles you guys are talking about. I especially like the idea of levels!



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