Hi All,

I was introduced to moodle recently. And as a user, I find it very interesting to be applied at school. Since I am also new member to Classroom 2.0, maybe this topic has been discussed ages ago. I was wondering, does anyone know how may I set up moodle in school as an administrator. Or anyone has manual instruction with easy instruction - step by step. I have look into moodle.org website, but I found it difficult to understand.

best regards
surina, malaysia

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Do a search for Moodle and you'll see lots of discussions. There is also a Moodle group, look for it on the bottom of the homepage.
Hi--If you look at my page here on this site, you will see a video I recently posted on my most recent Moodle project. If you link to my website. my wiki page had more info as well under "Palmer's Page". Lots of potential~

Sue P
Hello Surina,

I was in one Moodle course last year and the professor was retired teaching us an elective "Designing for Online Learning". Our entire class was new as well to Moodle but we sure learned by "trial by fire" as one of my classmates put it. I am sure there are a few people who can help you with Moodle among the Classroom 2.0 community. I remember having to experiment for a couple of hours and learning on my own. The only thing I wished for in the Moodle platform was a record of email sent. Otherwise it was a very positive experience once you got used to using Moodle. Good luck!
I you go to this link in the Classroom 2.0 Live archives (http://live.classroom20.com/1/archives/03-2009/1.html) and scroll to 03/14/2009, you'll find the recording of their Saturday session on just that topic.

Next Saturday will be Part 2 of that discussion: http://live.classroom20.com/index.html. Use that link to find out how to join the session in Elluminate (9:00 am Pacific). These sessions are wonderful and really designed to help people get started with various applications.
Thanks Sue for sharing about our Classroom 2.0 LIVE! weekly broadcasts in Elluminate. The show is gaining in popularity - thanks to people like you who are sharing our vision to educate others about technology. See you Saturday!

Kim Caise, NBCT
Classroom 2.0 LIVE!
The teacher side of Moodle is a pretty easy jump in and trial and error it thing to do. You are asking about the install and admin side and fewer people are familiar with that side of it. I have no install or plug in experience because I co-admin and the primary admin handles the server side of Moodle. I am familiar with many of the post-install admin functions though. Perhaps I can be of some help once you get Moodle installed. Just let me know once you get that far.
At www.ninehub.com you can get a free Moodle room that is already installed and is accessible on the web. Ninehub hosts the Moodle community you create and have great help documentation = all for free!

Kim Caise, NBCT
Classroom 2.0 LIVE! Show
Hi Surina. I am not a tech, I'm a teacher, but I am the Moodle admin for our division. I take care of the day-to-day Moodle stuff with teachers, students and the courses. I was not able to set up Moodle on my own on the server, so our division has contracted out the server administration to a 3rd party - we went with OKTech as our Moodle host. It made it so much easier for upgrading to new Moodle versions, and adding plugins. I can just be a teacher/admin, and keep my sanity. :)
Hi - what is the best purpose for setting up moodle? My impression is that it is to create online courses. I am at a K-6 school. What would be the application of Moodle in my teachers' classrooms and/or my library?
Thanks - I have always been curious...
Here are some of the things we've done (gifted 3-6) with Moodle and Blackboard.
1. Online courses, you can see a unit on Leonardo D'Vinci that at one time was an online class (had Bb at that time)
2. Online Book discussions (look down on this list til you find Moodle and you will see a guest username and password)
3. Pose thoughtful questions and have the kids respond. I've used David White's Philosophy for Kids.
4. Have students choose photos, painting, statues, etc--post them and have other kids comment.

2,3,4 are easy using what are called 'simple' forums. Moodle (or other things like it) are great for any threaded discussion--in fact as far as I know that is the only way you can do a threaded discussion that is password protected. N
Hi Surina,

I ran a Moodle server within our school network for about 3 years, mostly for my curosity and use in my 6th and 7th grade tech classes. There was little interest by teachers during that time because we were not allowed to provide outside access to the Moodle server. Things have changed, and we decided to run Moodle for our Middle and Upper school, but I decided that an outside Moodle provider would be the way to go in a production environment that's open to the outside world. They can spend the time necessary to provide a more secure server and environment for your Moodle site.

That said, there are places on moodle.org that can lead you through an install of a Moodle server, and, you are right, it is difficult to understand, it's more for techy/geeky people. If your setting up a sandbox to play with Moodle, this might be ok, but for production Moodle environment for your school, get your IT people involved in the actual setup, or like I said above, contract out. There are lots of other issues besides the Moodle install, like required bandwidth, sizing and securing the server, backup, etc. I miss the freedom of installing what ever modules I'd like to try and tweaking Moodle, but on the other hand, I don't miss the underlying headaches associated with running a Moodle server that's expected to be up all the time. :-) I just administer the Moodle software -- add users, create courses, etc. and I have enough other things to do in school. :-)
Hi Surina! You are in luck! The Classroom 2.0 LIVE! show will be featuring a moodle follow up session this Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 11am CST/12pm EST (not sure how that fits with your time zone). You can check the calendar page and there is a link to the international world clock. Our show website at http://live.classroom20.com has the links to the recordings of the first Moodle show on March 14, 2009 that you are welcome to view. The resources shared during the show are on the Resources page. We shared some fabulous resources from Moodle experts and I believe you will find them very helpful. Good luck to you!

Best wishes,
Kim Caise
Classroom 2.0 LIVE!



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