Our school district (43 schools) is contemplating the inclusion of student owned computers in all schools K - 12.

Can any like minded districts suggest some pointers for this type of initiative?

To date, excepting for Spec Ed, students have not really been "allowed" to utilize their computers or cell phones within our schools - though many do...

We are planning to install wireless networks in all classrooms to facilitate connectivity.

Our district is in Ontario, Canada.

Tags: K12, Schools, Technology

Views: 90

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Sounds interesting. How will they manage the influx of virus's trojans and spyware brought in by unprotected computers? Our district allows employees to install and use our corportate antivirus on employee owned machines, but there is no provision for students.
Nice entry, Doug.

I think this is the perfect opportunity for the various computer clubs to get involved. Students will have to get educated about various issues and the best way will to have one reliable source of information to disseminate the information. Students should be shown and helped in keeping their computers and "clean" and updated. There are a few free software companies that offer free antivirus applications and someone must show the students how to help themselves. You have 43 schools? Wow! You will need help and the computer clubs can help a lot.


Evan P.
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