I'm moving a discussion started in the introductions area so that others who are interested can follow if they want.
I've been trying to create a Parent Education glog (
www.glogster.com/edu) to help our parents understand Web 2.0 tools because of some fears they have about their children reaching inappropriate sites or ads. While trying to create this tool to tell them about 21st Century learning, I've been having some issues with inappropriate pop ups from embedded videos (from sites like
www.teachertube.com). It is hard to calm parent's fears when ads are not appropriate for their kids to see. I'd like to discuss parent fears about 21st Century learning, and explore creative ways to use the tools of web 2.0 to teach them about 21st Century literacy. My hope is that the result will calm their fears and help them to embrace what we are trying to do in the classroom. I'd love to hear from anyone with ideas about this!
Tags: 2.0, 21st, Century, education, glog, glogster, literacy, parent, web
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