We are at the beginning stages of implementing blogs at my school and a question has come up on what teachers are to do or react to student's comments having grammar and spelling errors, and maybe not enough "thought" given to their statement. I have one teacher who posted 4 questions - kind of open ended questions - this year. She has killed herself with the hours of not allowing comments to be posted. Her argument is that the student is a representative of the school so he should have a good, well written response. I view blogs as a means to continue conversations, share knowledge, and reflect. I feel that her posting and judging the comments is no different than the students writing an essay on her topic. I would like feedback on how you get teachers to moderate, accept, reject comments. Do you think that perfection, or close to it, is correct since this is being shared with the world? Any suggestions on how to steer this teacher into letting the students feel comfortable enough with expressing themselves through this Web 2.0 tool without fear of having their thoughts declined? Do you have a lesson that you use with students to teach how to properly comment? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Tags: blogs, commenting, students
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