What are you doing technology-wise for Earth Day with your classes? Got any great ideas? Post 'em here!

My class and I have explored several eco-links and we are going to explore where we live via Google Earth, but I'd love to hear more ideas about meaningful Earth Day tech-related activities.

I feel Earth Day is so important and am curious to hear about what teachers are doing out there. Please share! Thanks!

Tags: Day, Earth, earth, eco, google, links

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If you are collecting links, don't forget:

EPA Earth Day: http://www.epa.gov/earthday/
EPA Education: http://www.epa.gov/education/
National Environmental Education Week: http://www.eeweek.org/
The Earth Day Educators' Network has over 300 standard-based lessons, school greening tips, grants for teachers and more than 25,000 teachers sharing ideas.

About 50-60 years ago, red bricks were used to build a retaining wall at a Port Townsend beach. Now, they simply litter the sandy sea scape. A 5th grade class at Mountain View Elementary School made cleaning up the red rubble a class project.

Last week, the 25 students collected over 800 bricks and posted a notice on the Jefferson County freecycle yahoo group.

The response from the online community was overwhelming.

On Friday, the bricks will all be hauled away by an individual who will put them to good use.

This video was produced for the EPA Earth Day YouTube Contest.

NOTE: Freecycle is a worldwide movement dedicated to recycling useful items within communities: find new homes for items no longer needed, and locate wanted items as well--FREE.

Today, Room 12 Environmental Video Journalists produced this report on how the Olympic National Park is planning to cut their carbon emissions.

The script for this story was based on the April 17, 2009 Peninsula Daily News article by Diane Urbani De La Paz that was published on Seattle PI Dot Com

"">Olympic Park aims to cut its carbon emissions



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