Our computers erase and recreate student profiles with each log in. Our computer image currently doesn't have the FLIP software on it, and anything downloaded during the day is erased and the original profile is reset each night. The student's personal drives are not huge, so with all of this, what would be the best, recommended way to download FLIP movies in a manner that alllows students to edit and play with the raw material? We would like to get the video off of the cameras quickly so that other students can use the cameras, but we don't want to lose the ability to edit the projects once the students walk away from the computer.
On my personal computer, I can play with the videos and continue to work on them. What would you recommend for students?
One idea was to encourage students to save it to a large flash drive, but I can not seem to find a way to direct FLIP to save to the flash drive vs. where IT wants to save the project.
Thanks for any help!!!
Tags: cameras, computers, editing, files, flip, saving, student
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