Has anyone done any exploring with using Augmented Reality with elementary students? We've just completed a pilot activity with some 5th graders using HP iPAQ mobile devices: http://bit.ly/RYNiI
I'm interested in hearing if anyone else has any experience with this technology.
Permalink Reply by Kev on April 24, 2009 at 3:55pm
I just finished reading "Augmented Reality" a book by MIT researcher Eric Kloffer. I found it while hunting for books on Alternate Reality Gaming but it seemed interesting enough and it sure was. I'd love to hear how your activity worked out. I wasn't sold on the idea after reading the book simply because of the logistics of finding 35 handhelds (or 18, or 6 or any...) and finding the software to run on it.
I do, however, love the principles behind it. The idea of having kids play a role truly to me is something we ought to greater explore in education.
We are hoping at best to get a class set that would amount to 1 device per every 2 or 3 students. At this point we only have 2 devices. We've been working on creating content and testing it with the hopes that we will be able to demonstrate the validity of this type of educational technology. There are so many reasons why we need to reshape what we do in the "traditional" classroom, and this is an example of a great way to use 21st Century technology as one means to change the format of what we do. Thanks for commenting!
Permalink Reply by Kev on April 25, 2009 at 8:24am
I think that within 5 years every cell phone will be more than capable of running the needed software and probably have GPS software as well. That would make the technological side easy to cover.
Hopefully that would inspire more software development as well. It is times like these I kick myself for not taking any programming in college...
I have never heard of this technology, but I love it! I did a little looking around since reading your post. I'm curious to try it out this summer and possibly look for funding in the fall.
I had a few questions, though, if you don't mind answering them.
I looked at the HP site and the links from there. I looked at your site and your videos of the kids. Everything makes it seem really easy to learn how to use and put into practice, at least on a small experimental scale. Did you find this to be the case? Would you recommend the HP iPAQ devices, or do you think it would work just as well with a less expensive handheld? I looked at the features of the iPAQ and I'm wondering if to get internet on it you have to connect to a cell phone as a modem, or if just picks up wifi wherever you are.