As I spend additional time in my iGoogle, I will share information on some of the other web 2.0 features. Creating and saving your documents online makes it easy to direct readers to your common documents as Google Apps assigns each document an URL which can be copied and pasted for use in any blog, website, email, or online course.

Similar to most other web 2.0 tools, documents are saved and can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. I keep finding more and more ways to make my computers less important for saving and organizing my past work.

How do you envison schools integrating Google Apps? Anyone with a connected computer can create and save documents and spreadsheets from anywhere in the world and then access their work from school-based computers/terminals. No need for the proper version of the same software to interpret/open documents on a different computer.

Tags: 2.0, apps, google, web, wp

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Hi there,

I have recently stumbled over a couple of really interesting social networking sites designed for children. The first is imbee at They have lesson plans for teachers on the site and are actively looking for classes to sign up. This is all completely free.

The second one is Ed 2.0 which also combines blogging, photos, wikis and has libraries of useful internet links. You can also design your own courses using their tools and make them private or public.
We use JSPWiki. IBM and other "fortune 500" companies are using the same type of wiki. Teachers may use the public services education communities secure wiki or migrate and download the Wiki and contents to their own school server for wide spread collaboration organized by geographic areas. There are also tools and resources that may be simply copied and pasted into your own pages. Members may customize dynamic left menus for any of their pages.
A drawing whiteboard with linking is also available and Google App plugins are also being used within teacher wiki pages. There are over 12000 education and wiki page resources.

What is a Wiki?

Instructional Stratagies and Design Wiki Project example:

Demonstrates version control system for all page changes

Wiki Whiteboard

Parent Information Resources

A-Z College Links and resources Wikis

Our process requires teachers and teacher's members only and we verify member backgrounds.

Teachers welcome,
Michael Misovec
President and Program Administrator
Hi all,
Part of what's interesting is realizing that Google apps are a moving target. Google just released a new interface for Google apps that uses a folder metaphor, which solves some of the organization problems seen before. I just posted about that in my blog.

Google is slowly incorporating interesting features that make it worth keeping an eye on, at the very least. The real time "LOOKUP" function in their spreadsheet looks to me like the first step in completely revolutionizing data representations. There is a link in this same post to a "sandbox" I created if anyone wants to see it in action.

PS Have you heard that documents created in the new Vista version of Word can't be opened with older versions of Word? Makes Google apps look pretty good, eh?
Hey Shawn,
Last March I attended a session with Google guru Patrick Crispin and was amazed at the amount of stuff that Google allows you to do. As far as Google Apps is concerned, my district technology committee used Google docs to collaborate on a new district AUP. Our technology coordinator e-mailed the members the document and all were allowed access to edit and contribute. I was amazed at the ease of editing as well as the log of changes. As for a classroom use, I haven't come up with too much yet as I teach 5th grade. However, I have and will be recommending the apps feature to my students' parents due to the fact that some don't have all of the Word features.
I am just debating on moving our district website to Drupal. I believe an api was just released that would make google apps and drupal single login. Now, this has potential.
We've used Google Apps in our district to conduct online courses. The docs, spreadsheets, blogs, forums, webpages, etc, with great success. Don't forget too the chat feature. I've found that many students are more comfortable in the medium of chat than in the classroom speaking in front of the class. To the point where we've asked the students to paste all pertinent chats into their blogs to share with the remaining class.

Another aspect of the Google Apps when doing Pro Dev I can get teachers one login that will give them access to make, a blog, wiki, webpage, forum, homepage, calendar, etc, etc. There are probably better examples of each individual service out there (Like Wordpress instead of Blogger) but for staff who really don't want 10 more logins and passwords, this is a great start.
have google finally made the jotspot wiki live?
Okay, I've started a new discussion. I'd like to start a "sandbox" network to try out and crash test setting one of these up for students. Here is my post on the subject:



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