Are WebQuests Web1.0 or Web 2.0? This is my question...
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Hi James, I think WebQuests are mostly Web 2.0! I did a lot of WQ with my students in the last three years. Web 2.0 is interactive work: Think about mindmapping as the first step to go on next possibilities to create presentations. We are using Mindmeister within a group and the mind has to be shared... After this students could create an article within an e-journal together - sharing and interactive as well... et cetera.
But I must say, if students create websites or ppt and they do it alone - there is no interactive work.
I think it would depend upon how the WebQuest was put together. If, within the structure of the WebQuest, tools like or were utilized, then I could see an argument for web 2.0. However, most WebQuests I have seen seem to be web 1.0 to this point. This may be yet another area that will be revolutionized as a result of social networking. :)

Just my 2 cents.

Yes, I agree with you both. Great ideas. I like the Mindmeister and idea. I could see working to integrate those to make it interactive and not so linear.
I would say I agree with Julia. It all depends how you develop the webquest assignment.

I have my students create WebQuests using Web 2.0 tools to increase the level of interaction and to find better ways to integrate emerging technologies into an assignment. So for example, the students can integrate a wiki into the webquest for assessment/brainstorming etc.. Students can create hyperlinks to a wide range of files and media clips that they have developed.

Check out the San Diego Webquest project for more ideas.
Some good comments here. I teach about WebQuests in my Instructional Strategies course here at VA Commonwealth University. Many teachers seem to want to keep control and provide all the links themselves, which to me makes it 1.0. I think there is real power in empowering students and therefore I use as a modeling approach in my class. Some are gettng the idea and opening up the WebQuest to more student generated approaches...a 2.0 approach.
There will be a session of It's Elementary on Webquests next week (Monday at 4 pm PDT/6 CDT/7 EDT). Call in and discuss this with us!
I have created a WebQuest using a htm file and can not link it with PBwiki and get all the links to open. How do you do this?
use full file paths in your a tags: like

<a href="/index.php"> would work on my site, but not on pbwiki.

<a href=""> will work on pbwiki and my site or anywhere html is permissable.

If you post a link to your pbwiki site we can look at the code and perhaps give more insight.

The beauty, IMHO, with the Webquest when it was first designed was looking at big/essential questions from different perspectives. Student roles led them to different resources and after researching the topic from their perspective the big group reconvened to do some big project. Tom March is one of the original designers of Webquests (with Bernie Dodge) and an exceptional Webquest author/designer, you can see his Webquests and others here. If you use his Webquests as your model your curriculum wouldn't need Web 1.0 or 2.0!! Here is Tom March's Webquest called Little Rock 9 Integration 0?. Most Webquests aren't worth the bytes they take up---but a good one is a joy to behold!!

Good wequests don't even need a computer!
This might be an easier way to see the Webquests Tom March authored.
It is probably a moot point since web 2.0 is not really a technology just a perception:

"Web 2.0" refers to a perceived second generation of web development and design, that facilitates communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide Web.

The rule of thumb is that if you are reading AND writing to the web then it is web 2.0 otherwise percieved as web 1.0 if you are not using a computer then I guess that is web 0.0.

Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, has questioned whether one can use the term in any meaningful way, since many of the technological components of Web 2.0 have existed since the early days of the Web.[5][6]
...and if you don't use a computer it wouldn't be called a WEBquest, just good curriculum.



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