I am having a "virtual open house" for my students to showcase their work online. They are choosing several pieces of work to share, including traditional word documents, computer art, photographs of artwork and science projects, podcasting, video, and audio files. They are excited to share the link with out of town relatives and friends.

What do you think is the best way to showcase student work? A teacher's blog, student blogs, wikis, weebly, google docs? Any online portfolio tools that you'd recommend? The ability to post comments is important to me. Thanks for your help!

Tags: blogs, googledocs, student_showcase, wikis

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I agree with you Tim. I think wikis are so adaptable that a case can be made for a wiki being a blog.

The line between a blog and a wiki can be blurred. For example, I have a wiki that I use to teach a debate class. The syllabus, content, schedule etc. are all links in the sidebar. Then I created a page for Studen Blogging. Each debate team has their own page that they are using it to construct their arguments. The comment section is reserved for comments from me, other students and guest members like; Philospohy profs, Lawyers, and Judges. These pages act like a blog, but are within the frame work of a course management program.

Here is the site
Eric, I like your wiki. I noticed that students are posting messages to you on the front page. I'm assuming then, that you could "lock" the home page if you wanted to? For the student blogs page, you just set them each up with a "page" instead to act as their blog. Is that correct? You did a great job organizing the pages. I like that you can keep content on there that is static, like lesson plans and procedures.
One of the differences between the free version of PBWorks and free version of Wikispaces is the locking feature. Wikispaces allows you to lock specific pages. Unfortunately, PBWorks does not have that feature. That being said, students have a very clear understanding that I receive an email when anything is changed. The email tells me who changed what. Therefore if a student decides to damage another students content, then I know exactly who it is and they get their wiki account suspended. I have been working with wikis all year and have had 0 issues of damge to content or cyber bullying.

Yes, the Student Page acts as the blog. This way I can interact with one application. No ned to set up dummy accounts for blogger.

Thank you for the positive words. Have a great day!
I have the exact same question! I hope we get some wise guru to guide us.
Hey. You again? LOL,

Seriously, I use blogger in tandem with a number of other tools, like Slideshare, Picasaweb, and Teachertube, to name a few. My classroom blog is at http://usnlstech.blogspot.com if you want to give it a look-see. I just last week posted a quick video (made with Windows Movie Maker from brief .mov grabs from my Canon digital still cam (I converted the .movs to .avi first with a free tool from RAD video tools).

I also just discovered something I think I'll be using alot, assuming it gains legs and thrives. Check out http://wallwisher.com :)--planning to use that in a number of ways very soon!
Hi, Scott.

Didn't I just chat with you on that other Ning? LOL

Thank you for sharing these links. I'll check them out tonight. I appreciate your adding it here, as it is so helpful to see examples.

Haven't heard about wallwisher. Tell me how you plan to use it.
For the photos, I have used animoto. This is a web-based site to upload photos. 30 second animotos are free. You can get animoto for educators which will allow you longer presentations. The Website is www.amimoto.com. It is user friendly and the results are great. Check it out.
Larry Wilson
Check out my colleague's blog, http://nickrate.com/. He has been researching ePortfolios for quite sometime now and has implemented them in several classrooms at our school. Voicethread is also a great way to share children's learning and allow them to comment on it. My class blog is only just kicking off for the year but take a look anyway http://thewocketspot.edublogs.org/
I'll check these both out today. Thank you so much for taking time to share!!
I have created several slideshows using Flash Slideshow Maker. To see the software's capabilities view our school's Memorial Day presentation. My website links to several online utilities that can be used for projects. Select "Computer" then "Projects" from the main menu.
Thanks for sharing! This is actually exactly what I have been trying to create! I haven't been able to figure out the layout but this is the look I was going for. I would love to ask you how you did it. I'll send you a message. Thanks so much for sharing your work... great job!
I like blogging and am encouraging students to use their globalstudent (edublogs campus) as their eportfolio platforms. Most media can be linked or uploaded into a blog. They can customize their blog and make it their own by adding widgets etc. The can link their digital stories,images, wordles, cartoons, podcasts, artwork, music stories and add tags and categories for easy retrieval. Blogs are interactive and conversations flow with comments. I teach in Australia and my students have comments on their blog posts from their grandparents in London. Each week I try and choose a student of the week blog.
However, I only see most of them twice a week, so I am trying to get students to voluntarily put up posts displaying their work, without being reminded to do so. Perhaps it is due to limited access to computers at home.



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