We are going 1:1 with netbooks next year for grades 6, 7, 8. I saw the discussion about tablets but I am wondering about others experience with netbooks and other 1:1 initiatives that do not use tablets.

We actually will have a few different computer styles on campus to accommodate our community and those that have laptops already.

So I need ideas, help and support for our teachers. What have you learned? How did it change teaching/learning...How do we need to revamp our planning? of course we have some ideas but I would love to hear from those of you with experience.

We are very excited and actually have a five year plan to get laptops in the hands of every student K to 8.

Tags: 1:1, netbook

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Barbara, I am glad to see this thread. I am also curious about going 1 to 1 with netbooks. It just seems to make so much sense. At our school, we could eliminate the calculator and all consumable workbooks which would make the netbook a very economical purchase for our students. (high school)
I just need to convince the rest of the admins that this is the way to go.

I look forward to reading replies from those who have walked this road already.
Some of our elementary schools are getting netbooks via a grant for next year. I definitely see the value of 1:1 and the cost and portability of the netbooks make it even easier for schools to achieve this. Are your teachers switching to netbooks in place of a regular laptop or desktop?
Nancy sound like we will be implementing together. In answer to nyour question..No the teachers ( for now) are staying with their laptops. One we already have them. Two some of them have trouble adjusting to the smaller keyboard. Three they are a little more robust for some final work on video productions etc, although we are planning to convert the old lab to a production zone.

Jeff, YES...you are right and yes we have addressed those questions. Our Social Studies program and our religion program are already textbook free and the teachers have spent three years learning about web 2.0 and implementing it a various levels. By the way the 1:1 intiative (althoug close to my heart) was suggested by the teachers in light of our student learning expectations.

I am very interested however in picking your brains (Jeff, Nancy, Ed and everyone) about some specific ideas about ways to change, ways to go textbook free etc..The more heads we put togetehr the more ideas we can generate. I think it is time to start building portals of good ideas to help others who will be here soon.
I must agree with Jeff that technology by itself won't result in a successful instructional shift. The teachers must buy in to the approach and see the value of using netbooks as a tool to prepare students for the competitive world market rather than using them as a glorified type writer.
Hi Barbara, our Department of Education (here in Victoria, Australia) is currently trialling netbooks across 3 regions, and in our region every Year 5 student has been provided with one. The students use them when needed at school, and if their parents opt to pay a small "lease" fee then the student can have the netbook 24/7. We are still in the early stages of the trial (6-7 weeks in), but already the netbooks have "opened new doors" for both students and teachers. What has been noticeable is that the pace of innovation has increased significantly. Web 2.0 features and tools, which may have been previously been ignored by many teachers, are now being explored and embraced. It is also worth noting that while the trial only pertains to one year level, many schools have opted to provided netbooks across a range of other year levels at the same time. You may find some interesting information on the Netbook wiki at http://netbooktrial.wikispaces.com/. I'm also more than happy to answer any other questions that you may have.
Thank you Grame! I will check out the wiki and I would be interested in any teachers who are willing to correspond with our teachers about their experiences.
I did post another discussion thread that s related to this one and any wisdom you ahve would be greatly appreciated.....
In short, how are the math teachers using the netbooks? So often I have seen 1;1 programs that use tablets which works well for math...(albeit it can be an expensive pencil and paper). So how can we tap into the power of web2.0 on the netbooks for math?
Barbara, I must express my agreement with Jeff above, but since you've identified that teachers are asking for the netbooks then there are several things the teachers can use to enhance the mathematics instruction in a 1:1 setting.
1) Use Voicethreads to help students express their understanding of processes to solve problems, to explain concepts, analyze graphs, to create examples of sentences or real life explanations of equations/functions, talk about characteristics of shapes, etc. The nice thing about voicethreads is that teachers can easily pull up the conversations on the iwb and show examples that include writing if students want to/have access to pentabs.
2) Fooplot and any other dynamic graphing application can be used to have students investigate transformational approaches to graphing, again create situations to analyze graph characteristics (that can later be used to create voicethreads if they want)
3) The use of threaded discussions to reflect on processses/content. Not a 'flashy' context, but a critical feature to getting students to be able to understand problem solving and abstract application of concepts.
4) Geogebra is a great tool developed by the European version of the NIH to create dynamic graphical interpretations of aglebra. A great tool for showing students concrete examples of abstract concepts and for those students with design abilities a great tool to get them to understand some simple programming applications. (if teachers/students are so inclinded)
5) National Library of Virtual Manipulatives and other sites like interactivate, explorelearing.com (a pay site) for getting students to explore applets and to create greater understanding of concepts. IN themselves not very powerful, but when coupled with discussions, reflections, and cultivated great stuff.
6) I'll leave you with the last sites that are great sources of data; swivel.com, the-numbers.com, zipskinny..com. These sites are wonderful places to have students look for data or track data that students can look at for mulitiple reasons (analysis of trends- regression, identifying key characteristics of domain/range, creating represenations that tell the story of the data, identifying outliers and why those data points are not representative of the overall data, etc.

I will leave you with some of the best research I've read on use of technology and it comes from Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow in 1995: there will be a spike in student engagement with the new technology but if the reason for going to the technology does not enhance the interaction for the student or ask them to perform multiple/challenging tasks the engagement will quickly dissipate and be replaced by less engagement that was previously noted. Make sure teachers allow students to use the tools!!!

This is obviously not an exhaustive list but at least it's a place to get started. I will add that I'm a huge fan of developing student thinking around digital graphics: creating, manipulating, and filtering. There are all knids of content that can be structured around digital graphics if anyone wants to start another conversation.

Let me know if this is what you are looking for.
NSW (Largest state by population in Australia for those unaware) Is rolling out 267,000 Lenovo netbooks to all students and teachers in years 9-12.
I think we will be seeing a lot of real work done on tailoring educational programs to make the most of the netbooks over the next few years. That will make it much easier for everyone else to adopt and integrate the technology.
Roland- Thank you for all of the ideas. I will be exploring them with our math teacher. we have used voicethread to tell stories in the lower grades but I had not thought of applying it in the way you suggested. (BTW do you know anyone with an example).
Jason i am really looking forward to seeing the work from NSW...I hope we can learn side by side.

Roland stay tuned i am sure I will have more questions!
Try the mathcast wiki and look for the voicethreads wiki which has some examples. The only examples I have right now are part of a research project and I'm not able to share (I don't have permission to share). It's part of a REL randomized control trial.
Thanks! Will do!
My school did a pilot of the Intel Classmate Convertible this spring which has lead us to adopt them as our primary machine for our middle school 1-1. (Details of the pilot can be found on my blog.)

I'm spending much of my summer looking for resources and potential collaborations to help make this adoption more successful. So far, I've written a draft of suggestions for making the most of limited screen real estate. I've also started Diigo group dedicated to teaching with netbooks.

I hope those of you using netbooks or considering their use in the future, please join us in the Diigo group above and/or leave your suggestions for making the most of smaller screens in the classroom and beyond.



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