Is there an easy way to get a wiki into ning? I suppose you could embed Scribd or something into a post if you had to...
Just looking for common ground.

Tags: collaborate, wiki

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Hi Sharon,
I've been searching the web and not yet found a wiki that is embedable, however many wikis offer rss feeds, you could for example add an rss feed of recently changed pages on your classroom 2 page. Clicking on the links would take readers to the wiki in order to continue reading or editing.
They are adding wiki functionality pretty soon, I think... Don't know what we'll do with (the wiki) then, but we'll see...
Yes, I heard that in your interview - great news for educators. WIKIs are one of our best integrating tools.
Anyone know if they've got any further with a Wiki integration?
This public class on wiki integration might help.

I recently found a way to put the wiki inside of the NING. I created a new tab, which then I linked to my wiki which was hosted outside of the ning and made sure I had a link back to the NING. While it's not truly "inside" of the Ning, it is a way to link it.



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