WiZiQ has a free web conferencing module for Moodle

WiZiQ's free Live Class modules for Moodle can be downloaded here.

Moodle users can start an “activity” from within Moodle to schedule, and activate a “block” to launch sessions in WiZiQ’s virtual classroom. Detailed instructions for installation are available here with video tutorials:

On Moodle here:
Activity: http://moodle.org/mod/data/view.php?d=13&rid=1113
Block: http://moodle.org/mod/data/view.php?d=13&rid=1114
Moodle administrators or webmasters need to install these modules on the server for teachers and students.

Tags: classes, classroom, conferencing, moodle

Views: 707

Replies to This Discussion

I'm running Moodle 1.9 and have been fighting with WiZiQ for two days trying to get it to work with timezones properly. Other than fixing some syntax errors in their code in a couple of files, this is the only hangup I have with it so far. The timezone problem arises because it does not get the timezone setting from moodle - for the system or for the user - as well, there is no logic in it for daylight savings time and not applying it (we are in Saskatchewan and don't have DST). Their forums for support aren't much help - the fixes there either don't work, partially work or are asking to make changes to the server's php.ini file (which isn't a solution) to fix a coding shortcut they used.

WiZiQ works great on its own, but they need to test their Moodle module a little more.
Hello Garnett,

We know that some installations do run into issues, and we have identified some known issues, which we have furthered to the development team to fix. A new release is being planned, which will take care of these issues. I will inform here when we update.

Meanwhile, as currently successful WiZiQ Live Class installations on Moodle sites are catering to thousands of teachers and students, I would suggest that you contact support@wiziq.com directly and send in server details, temporary ftp login etc, so that someone can help you with your installation.




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