Digital storytelling carnival #3 is now online. This may be of interest to anyone who is just getting started as well as advanced digital storytellers. There are how to articles, examples from classrooms, and professional inspiration.
The carnival happens every month. Consider submitting an article for the next one and come back again for new tips.
Hi Matthew,
Checked out your video and some of the information you have there! Loved the video with the smiling, creative, but most of all the "proud ownership" taken by the students in the video. And I agree with your comment, that "students need a reason to write", but I also believe that teacher need to understand the "relevance in teaching" of this type of learning! Looking forward to viewing more of your work!
Hi Matthew,
I was referring to the idea of technology in the classroom. Its change, its new, and it requires a learning curve, on top of what they already have to deal with every day in the classroom. I remember one teacher that was quite eager and had assigned online research to students and ending up totally frustrated when sites wouldn't open and were blocked by the school server. This teacher refused to try this specific lesson again. As a former teacher I can empathize with a lesson that ends up in shambles because something went wrong with equipment failure. Today, its the internet and the problems with online research and accessing information if the school has filtering that will not allow, not intentionally, some educational sites, due to its blanket restrictions. Teachers need help! My point is that teachers cannot see the relevance of teaching for example, Literacy with information communication tools, if they have not had the opportunity to learn, digest, and experiment with these same tools. We learn by doing! We don't have to become experts in all areas, just enough knowledge to make it comfortable for them to see why technology belongs in the classroom, the playground, at home, etc. Give teachers the help they need, the rest is history!
Yes, I agree that filtering often frustrates teachers (myself included). I understand the reasons for filtering but it's too bad that we put our own barriers in the way of implementation. It would be great if we could invest our resources in training teachers and students to use the internet responsibly instead of blocking valuable sites. Good points.
I am hearing buzz words like "instructional or educational technologists" and some schools are hiring specifically to do just that. That is, I believe, the right first steps!