There are many brands of student response systems on the market. In our area, NW Ohio the ones that seem to be used the most are TurningPoint, Senteo and the CPS. Several schools are looking at the Qwizdom SRS. Has anyone had experience with these?

Tags: SRS, audience, clickers, response, student, system

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We use the Senteo Smart Response System in second grade and I think the kids like it as much as, if not even more, than the teachers do! I found a lot of resources online at SmartTech to use with Senteo and I am just beginning to learn how to create my own presentations.

The Senteo presentations are visually engaging and interactive, which is a must for the young students! You can have students answer anonymously using their remote controls, or "clickers" as we call them, or you can set up a class so you can assess individually how each student is performing. My students prefer the anonymous mode and the part they like the most is when the class results pop up on the screen, showing us a little pie chart on how the class did as a whole. Then we discuss how we did and what we can do to do even better for the next time. Whenever I tell my students we are using the Senteo, they become so excited!
I KNOW THE PERFECT ONE FOR YOU!!! Please take my advice... I am a recent college graduate and have used this system and think it is the best since thing since sliced bread. Not to mention, FREE! H-ITT, Hyper-Interactive Teaching Technologies, are the pioneers of classroom response systems. The idea was created by two University of Arkansas PhD Professors and a few years later, bought out by the product manufacturers. H-ITT's products are the most flexible, simple and inexpensive classroom response system on the market.

H-ITT offers class packs of IR and RF remotes, as well as SoftClick, a system where any web-enabled device is your clicker. Here's quick price comparison: eInstruction 32 RF pack, $2995; IR $1995. Turning Point receivers are $695 and each extra remote is, IR $49, RF $89; H-ITT 32 IR $795, RF classroom packs go for $1395.

If you are a K-12 teacher, you can get it for free with a grant. If you are a higher ed teacher, your receiver is free and you tell the bookstore to purchase x number of clickers for your students. This is all no cost to you. Please take a look at the website,, and check out the versatility and usability of this system. If you are interested, I can get you set up with a system in your classroom to try out for 30 days, no cost. If you like it, H-ITT will help you write a grant or place an order. Everything to do with H-ITT is so easy. Feel free to contact me ANY time, and I would be glad to get you immediately in touch with someone who can get you set up with one of these systems. I'm a true advocate of the system and I want everyone to know!!
Thank you all for the information. It will help as we work with our area school districts.



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