For those of you who attended NECC in Washington, DC, let's use this spot for a quick reflection. However, instead of the typical "What did you like best" idea, let's go the other way and answer the following question:

If you had to do it all over again, what would you have done differently during your time at NECC?

For me, it would have been attending the Library of Congress event. When I first heard about this a while ago, it sounded very interesting. As time went on, I never signed up. It turns out, I missed a pretty exciting evening and probably will never have that opportunity again.

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Great topic and something I was thinking about today as I was reading many posts about NECC. Like many others here planning was my weak point. I will start planning much earlier next time. I waited too late to get into any of the BYOL sessions that I was interested in attending. I don't even know what the LOC event was! There was some sort of photo shoot group that meet Sunday morning. I didn't know about that and that's something I would have loved to do! I should have spent more time on the online planner for the day to day sessions as well. My plan to do that each night didn't quite work out since I ended up hanging out with some members of my PLN quite late every evening. I volunteered last year but didn't this year. Next time I go I'll be sure to volunteer again. I find the exhibit floor overwhelming and only went down there long enough to see someone in my PLN do a demonstration and stopped by two other booths. I think next year I'll try to look around a little more.
I would have made more time in my schedule to hang out in the blogggers' cafe... it seemed so crowded when I did go there that I had nowhere to plant myself. (I'm not good at floor-sitting.) I missed great chances at connecting face to face with many friends from plurk and twitter.
Being my first NECC I would definitely stay more close to the convention center and avoid costly transportation to stay involved throughout the day/night. Also, I would make sure to receive confirmation for BYOL sessions. I signed up too early this year and ended up NOT being confirmed. I even tried to call ISTE before heading to DC and they said I would be able to get in...uh, no. Live and learn. Will do better next year!
Great question. This was my first NECC. I had an amazing time. I was overwhelmed (as I expected to be). I got to meet some great people and participate in some wonderful sessions and discussions. What I would do over or differently? I made it to part of the Edubloggercon, I wish I'd made it to the entire Edubloggercon. I wish I had put myself out there more and approached more people and allowed more time for NECC unplugged and the bloggers cafe. In an attempt to save money I stayed with friends instead of at a hotel and I fell like this may have been a mistake. Kind of like going to a 4 year university as a freshman and commuting to school when it is not a commuter school. There were so many sessions it was hard to choose and know what to choose. I am really looking forward to next year.
Thanks for the input everyone. I'll put this question out on Twitter again tomorrow. I certainly hope this discussion is around next year because I think that it would be great for people to read prior to ISTE 10 in Denver next year.
I probably shouldn't be answering this question, because I only dropped by for a little of the edubloggercon, (as I was not registered for NECC but was vacationing with my husband in DC. I'm grateful to Steve and whoever else set up the elluminate sessions for NECC, and ISTE for their videos. But I'm envious of the 15,000? of you who got to go to the conference proper, because you had so many great sessions to choose from. Of course, if I had it to do over again, I would attend the conference!
I wish I could have stayed after Gladwell to see the Q & A (opted for tour of monuments cause it's D.C.), I wish I had spent more time at LOC, I wish I had gotten to the Smithsonian Museum of Americana. I wish I could have spent time socializing in the Blogger's Cafe and in the evening. Since I didn't sleep much, was busy from start to finish, liked almost everything i did, and still didn't have enough time, I guess I need a genie to create time out of the ether.
I would spend more time with the online planner! Organizing my time better. I would also of attended the storm on Capital Hill, I understand it was quite interesting, as well as the Library of Congress Event! Lastly I would attend the Edubloggers Con. the day before! Hoping, to make it to Denver and since I have never been there I would definitely incorporate some sightseeing!



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