I have a brief lesson I use in 4th grade discussion online bullying and how to react when people make you mad by what they say online. The end result is they create a comic/cartoon on paper giving ways to react when mad. I'd like to do something a bit more creative with it, but not spend a whole lot of time on it either. I'm drawing a blank on Web 2.0 options to do this project.

Any suggestions on a tool to take this to the next level?

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Hi Bernardette.
Sometime ago I created some tutorials for my online classes using this resource for comic creation: http://comiqs.com/
It's very simple and you can use your own pictures or others from sites like flirck,etc.

I've found another site but I haven't tried it yet. You can create animated comics with sound also: http://goanimate.com/
I hope you find this information useful.
Warm wishes,
Alejandra Guajardo
Make Beliefs Comics is easy, and an enclosed space. The students can print or email their comics.
Toondoo is also an option, but you have to look at the site first, as it is open to the world.
And then Pixton is another possibility for you.

I just wrote a post at The Graphic Classroom about using comics with middle school students, if that helps you.

My students enjoy using Pixton. Another option is a Text to Movie website called Xtranormal. Students type in their dialog and the website creates the movie. My kids love it. I believe the free account allows you to use 2 characters.
Hi Julie

What age do you teach? Looks like even my youngsters could handle it. Thanks.

Hi Julie,

We are heavy ToonDoo users at our school, staff and students love it. I just came across Pixton in your reply and it looks really good. I will be sure to introduce it to staff and students this coming school year. Thanks!
Do you pay for a Pixton school subscription? Just curious.
Try out this link for a comic strip creator, as well.

Andy Pass
WOW! Great suggestions. I really like Make Belief Comics and had fun playing with Xtranormal. Very user friendly and easy to do!
I agree, Bernadette. Xtranormal will probably be a good intro to programming for young students. though I'm disappointed you can't add the movies to a blog, like the YouTube variety. Tech suggested I simply upload to YouTube and embed from there. Possible, but my school doesn't allow YouTube, which makes this a teacher-centered activity rather than student-centered.
Can you get to Teachertube and upload there? I prefer to host my student work on TT rather than YT - more likely to not get negative comments.
Follow up question - Anyone having trouble recently with Xtranormal? I can't get more than 4 users on at a time, sometimes only 3. The kids get hung on the loading preview screen when trying to create or add to a movie. We've tried for 3 classes - very frustrating!
Wikispaces.com has Cool Tools for Schools. Click on Image and you'll get a ton of websites to play with.



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