I am considering using edu2.0 this year and possibly try to encourage others in my school to do the same. I've played around with it a little bit and have found it to be very promising. Before I get others in my school to join in, I'd like to hear from anyone who has had some experience with it.
I began using it last year. Like you, I just played around with it by setting up a test class and asking some colleagues to be pretend students so I could try everything out. I will say the support is fantastic and prompt to any question or concern I had. For my school, I became the "administrator " because I was the only one using the site.My administrators approved use, but did not want to be "hnads on".
I teach 9th grade so I made sure that I set up behind a "walled" environment to keep tabs on what my students were doing and so they could interact with their classmates first. I also turned off some of the options to avoid temptations and problems. Our biggest dilemma was not from the site at all, but from our lack of computer lab availability during all my classes at school. So it was mainly used "outside" the school day- not what I had envisioned. So, some of the plans I had were not feasible. We will see how it goes this year. I'm a Religious Studies teacher and anything to bring to life the Bible in a creative way is helpful.