Suggestions would be appreciated.

I've been assisting my son in a virtual learning environment (Skype, TeamViewer- webcam) with his online schooling offered by Connections Academy. I ended up working with reading/communications and math, but my intentions were to focus on IMPROVING READING COMPREHENSION. We signed him up for part-time enrolled in Connections Academy - 4th grade program. It was difficult to focus exclusively on reading comprehension because the math assignments required a certain degree of reading comprehension. Each math lesson consisted of about 15 slides with 3-5 sentences explaining a particular math concept.
I would log into his computer as he worked through his assignments. I assisted when needed and later followed up with an online tutoring session. Formative assessments helped me determine his level of comprehension regarding a particular subject. I took three months worth of notes on our daily interactions. The notes are general ,scattered descriptions without a particular format. Skype, by default, logged the length of these virtual sessions. Along with the Skype logs, I have about 30 days of tweets describing our daily progress.
I'm interested in incorporating this interaction, along with the importance of the technology tools used to facilitate and document these sessions into my action research project. Also, I often felt it necessary to focus on helping him develop metacognitive skills during these learning sessions. His ability to self manage and assess his learning experience was an important tool, in my opinion, that linked directly to the idea of taking ownership of his learning experience. Taking ownership helped to guide his motivation to learn.

I'm still wrestling with forming an problem statement that would clearly communicate a direction I can take with this research
. Suggestions would be appreciated.

Problem Statements

Virtual training is flexible by design and has the potential to address the lack of training that exists in traditional brick and mortar environments regarding the development of metacognitive skills for visual, auditory and tactile learners.

Students are not trained to develop meta-cognitive tools in traditional brick and mortar schools, but virtual learning carries the potential to meet this training need.

Traditional brick and mortar schools do not introduce students to technology based learning tools for developing metacognitive skills.

Learners who require metacognitive skill development are not benefiting from the underdeveloped potential of technology tools in traditional brick and mortar schools.

Traditional brick and mortar schools aren't using technology tools to address the various learning styles that exist among students.

Visual, auditory and Tactile learners aren't developing the necessary metacognitive skills needed to become successful learners in this knowledge society.

Virtual learning platforms aren't being used to address the various learning styles and metacognitive needs of students in traditional brick and mortar learning environments.

Tags: action, learning, project, research, technology, virtual

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I vaguely remember as a girl in 8th grade in the 50's being told that some day students would be able to have school without leaving home. Now this is happening and I am not sure if this is what we want to see as progress. I think kids need that face to face human socialization. You are so right about the metacognition skills not being developed. I guess old science fiction movies might have some answers to this dilemma.
I think that a balance is what we should strive for. Face to face instruction has a role, and technology can add value to the learning process. Metacognitive skills complete the learning process. Developing these skills can influence the learner's level of motivation. There doesn't seem to be an incentive to focus on developing these skills in the classroom. The virtual learning platform can be used to develop these skills without requiring a huge investment in new technologies. Thanks for your input Dotty.
My suggestion is to write your problem statement in the form of a positive focus question. I'm not sure you can show how tradtitional schools are not meeting the needs of visual spatial learners, but shed light on the how non-traditional learning environments or technology and parent involvement do improve reading comprehension, student ownership/motivation, and metacognition.

The title to your research might be:  Evaluating The Role of Technology in Improving Student Learning. Your focus question might be: Does online interactive training develop metacognitive skills in young learners? and/or Does online interactive training improve student ownership in learning?

It would be great if you could extend your data by having other parents document the same data for their own students.

If you don't have a text for helping the direction of your action research, try Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher by Geoffrey E. Mills. ISBN 0-13-172276-X

As an aside, the biggest myth of schooling children nontraditionally is lack of socialization. My own children and their peers, who are schooled outside of the traditional setting, are articulate, respectful, and conversational with people of all ages, religions, and nationalities.
Thanks for your comment. You have definitely offered a different, interesting perspective. I will certainly explore the " positive focus question" approach regarding my ARP. I also agree that the -lack of socialization- comments made about kids learning in non traditional settings are only assumptions. Thanks again Patti.
It sounds like your son benefited from blended learning. An effective learning environment contains both synchronous and asynchronous elements, which you provided him. Maybe your thesis could center around this?



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