Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi Everyone. I'm excited to have found a group that has similar interests as I do. I teach computers at a Charter school in San Diego and always looking for new ways to improve my techniques. I enjoy trying new things, and collaborating with other teachers in hopes that our classes could collaborate. I look forward to getting to know the community.

Have a great day!
Hello! My name is Matthew St.Carrell and I teach high school Video Production in Poulsbo, WA. I am about the begin my third year of teaching and I was hoping to meet other instructors who teach technology related classes and who manage computer labs.
Hello Rosie Perez here from Fort Myers Florida. 1st year teacher...teaching Computer Applications 6-8 Intro to Computers 4th & 5th gr, Broadcasting Communications and now Drama. Transitioning from the financial world into teaching has been an advantage for my students. I have incorporated great lessons based on experience working in the financial world. For example, What is the stock market, how to calculate stocks, how to research a company, how to become an entrepenuer...currently working in making changes to these lessons. I wanted to create a site in which students can upload their projects and also open class discussions. I work for a charter school and do not want to go through the "AUP" wanted to do something on my own where only the students can access. Thinking of google or something. Also wanting to incorporate any new ideas to introduce my students with 2.0 skills. Thanks
Hi. My name is Patricia Graville and I am from Brazil. I am currently taken classes at ASU for my Teacher Cetification. I am looking for learn more about Collaborative Educational Tools.
Greetings yawl. My name is Doug Errett, and I teach 10th grade Honors Chemistry and a couple of electives (Geology and Environmental Science) at St. Albans School in Washington DC. Happy to be here...
My name is Chris and I am currently a graduate student with Full Sail University in their MS Educational Media and Design Program. I am currently an 8th grade technology teacher in Port Charlotte, Florida.
Greetings from Seattle! I just finished 2 workshops (Seattle Schools & Whitworth University) using a Ning to frame the learning experience for teachers. This was my first experience in a Ning environment and I was very pleased with the results. I am on a team of 7 Instructional Technology Specialist who are charged with supporting teachers & principals in Seattle Public Schools. Although the main Ning site is blocked in our district, we've arranged to have our Seattle Ning unblocked for teacher use. The next step is to experiment with student use. At least 3 of the workshop participants created their own Ning sites and intend to use them with students next year, so it will be fun to see how things unfold. There are a host of issues to consider (CIPA/COPA regulations & concerns, student account management, moderation questions..) but I'm excited to enter this new world of social networking via Ning.
Hi Everyone,

I'm Dave Morgan from Oklahoma City. I have worked in Telecommunications for 30 years but my real passion is teaching. I have taught at the University of Phoenix for about 9 years and another University before that. I have a real interest in bringing my students and clients into the 21st century using Wiki's, Social Bookmarking, Podcasts and Collaboration.

I look forward to learning from everyone's experience and knowledge. As Kevin Kelly says, "Nobody is smarter than everybody."
Hi there,

I teach high school computer science in Seattle. I hope to share some of my passion about computing technology with students from all walks of life. I'm interested in connecting with other programming instructors and in learning how instructors deal with labs, filters and some of the other logistics.

Looking forward to great conversations!
My name is Bryna Boldra and I just joined Classroom 2.0! I'm taking an online class for my master's degree and we were assigned to sign up and become familiar with this Ning and hopefully will find it useful enough to continue using even after the class is over. My husband is a junior/high school principal and could possibly find this useful as well. I teach middle school math and am always searching for new ways to collaborate and gain information about how to differentiate and adapt to the ever-changing needs of my students. My husband and I have a 2.5 year old son and we are a very happy family who stays busy, busy, busy. I'm looking forward to becoming more familiar with this Ning and will learn a lot in the process, I'm sure.
Hello Classroom 2.0 folks. I am Larry Fliegelman. I have just finished my second year as principal of the Spofford Pond School in Boxford, MA. Before that I was a middle school assistant principal and seventh grade teacher. I am looking to increase my PLN and gather the info and resources I need to lead my school. Thanks.
My name is Rose Strubinger. I teach Keyboarding and Computer Applications to grades 4 - 8 in Jim Thorpe, PA.



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