I just started to make my own wiki for my class, and I'm trying to figure out some ideas using it in my 6th grade English/Literature classes. I would really appreciate some links to people's wikis, so I can look around (if yours isn't private, of course). Any links or ideas would be greatly appreciated! :)

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Wow-Wow-WOW!! Paul, what a cool wiki! I love your "How to" page. I used to use the wiki only for student groups, (see reply below) but this past year I started putting my own stuff on the wiki, too. I didn't get very far. Last summer I took the pbwiki (now pbworks) "summer camp", but it didn't finish until I was back to teaching and I didn't have too much time after that to work on it. You've inspired me! I think I'll get back to work on it.

FANTASTIC! Thanks so much for sharing.
We've done some wikis you can look at here. We've also done some online book discussions using Blackboard and Moodle (same list, scroll down) . Let me know if you need more info.
Wow! I looked at your wikis for "Pirates" and "Unsolved Mysteries", and what a great idea! I'm going to do a unit on unsolved mysteries 1st semester. Now I have another use for my wiki.
Shirley, Good, help yourself to any info!
The possibilities are enormous. I teach a debate class to GT kids. They prepare by writing two persuasive essays (for/against). I invited several experts to comment on their arguments.

Feel free to visit: www.saildebate.pbwiki.com
The video at the top on the front page is totally cool, and I love the way you used it with your students. How does one go about finding videos to go with the topics? Do a search on youtube, I guess. Is that where you found yours?
What a great example - thanks so much for sharing.
I did my first wiki last year in 6th grade English, and they loved it! I let them choose a topic and they chose "scary stories." I set up pages for story starters, original stories, favorite characters, etc. and just let them go when we had time (near the end of the year). They took to it like fish to water, so I am really looking to find more applications in 8th this year...
Below is a link to the wiki I used with 160+ students last year. In the right hand column you'll see some little folders. I saved some student work in the folder labeled "Period 1" Click on any of the other folders your interested in.

Hyde Language Arts

One year I had my students research nonstandard mythology (not Roman or Greek) in small groups. Below are a couple of examples. If you scroll down until you see the "side bar" label, you can see different pages the students worked on.

Mythology of Japan

Norse Mythology

I've also done lit. circles with a wiki:

The Call of the Wild

The Thief Lord
I think the lit circle url's didn't come out 'cuz I used italics. Here they are again:

The Call of the Wild

The Thief Lord



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