I have taught 1 section of 2 to teachers on web 2.0 topics. I am struggling on what focus I should do. The first section I went through and had them create delicious accounts and upload their book marks, but that took over 1/2 the time (I only have 2 hours). Then I spend the rest just talking about and showing them what I think are cool web 2.0 tools.

Please look at my wiki I created for this workshop and let me know what topics/sites should be included.


Tags: 2.0, teaching, web

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I think with just 2 hours, focus on what you have already done then bring in examples of blogs and wikis. Then have them create one or the other to suit an educational need in their classroom. My experiece with this says the more time you can spend with hands on the better.
I would definitely get them going on a Blog or Wiki as well. What about a Facebook page to create Groups with? Unless Facebook is blocked for you as it seems to be with many schools. You could also share the site http://www.go2web20.net/, if you don't already.



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