I recently came across a few long-standing blogs that never crossed my path during my Google searches, and I was thinking that a Classroom 2.0 discussion about blog-sharing might be helpful, since we are members of "the social network for educators using collaborative technologies".

If you have a blog you'd like to share, either your own, or one that you'd recommend, post a reply with a link to the blog, the author's name, the focus of the blog, and perhaps a few words about why you find it interesting or useful.

Update: Follow me on Twitter
Here are my blogs:

Interactive Multimedia Technology

I have another blog that I use to post my reflections about what I'm learning in my mid-life journey as a computer/tech student:
The World Is My Interactive Interface

(I changed the name of the blog to reflect my current topics.)

Update 6/15/10
It has been a very busy school year!  The exciting news is that one of my schools has a multi-touch SMARTTable, and every classroom has an interactive whiteboard.  The teachers worked very hard to ramp up their IWB skills and I'm amazed at how quickly this interactive technology was adopted.    Of course, interactive applications and websites are pretty awesome on a huge screen or display!    The best part is that this technology has opened up the minds of a good number of students with severe autism characteristics.

In April, I participated in a workshop at ACM's 2010 CHI conference. The topic of the workshop focused on the next generation of human-computer interaction and education.

I also joined the SparkOn group, "a social platform for people that are sparked (inspired) by creative and emergent technologies"

Tags: 2.0, Classroom, blog, blogging, collaborating, edublog, networking, odiogo, sharing, social, More…technology, web

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I just updated my blog: http://www.yoursmarticles.blogspot.com on tools to use for student research.
Great idea. I have a few blogs I contribute to regularly and know of several more that I can share. I suppose, the best way to start is to point to my blog here on Classroom 2.0.

I teach a paramedic program. Here is my blog :)
Hi, Lynn,
What a great resource this will be for us. If only there were more time.
I have a blog primarily aimed at the teachers at my middle school in which I share what I'm learning. Everyday there is something new that I learn about from online discussions, Nings, YouTube videos, my students, other teachers, etc. I just wish more of my colleagues would read and comment, but we are all so busy. I hope to be able to scan many of the blogs from teachers who've responded here. How wonderful to be connected with all these caring individuals. No longer can we use isolation as an excuse for not knowing what others are up to in their classrooms.

My blog is
I have created these blogs recently on 21st century strategies in ELL classroom and parental involvement ning which I thought you would be interested. If you would like to be a member you are most welcome. We would love to get input from different parts of the world.


I'm a technology teacher and integrator of technology for our K-12 schools.

My focus is on bringing parents, teens, and technology together in a way that builds a trusting relationship.
I have 2 sites, one for parents, one for teens.
www.NoParentLeftBehind.net (parents)
www.PlayinWithFire.org (teens)

If it's useful to you please pass it on.

Twitter = @nplb
Thanks for those links Mark! It is very important to bring parents and schools together.
Mark, thanks for those links. I fixed them, since I couldn't link to them from your post:

No Parent Left Behind

Playing With Fire
Hi, I am a middle school band teacher. Here is my blog that I'll be using this coming school year to communicate more with parents at home.
You can also try www.parentella.com and set up your class and invite parents to it.

A demo account:

un: Mr. Pencil
pw: demo
Thanks for posting your link, Scott.
Our blog is here:


Parentella is for parents and educators to come together online and share school/class news. If you'd like to see a demo account for a teacher, please let me know!



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