It seems that some people try to look good (I know I did), some don't want to show their face, and some look kind of scary (no offence, I won't name names).

This is the first time I've really put a picture of myself out onto the Web. I'm wondering, how did you choose your picture? Were you concerned about who might see you? Did you care? I think this fits into the Just for Fun discussion category, but I really am interested.

Tags: photos, pictures, profile

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Plain portrait shots can be boring; one that shows an interest (i.e. teaching overseas during summers) can tell a story about you without really having to say it.
I just completed treatment for breast cancer. My hair fell out during the chemo treatments and is just starting to grow back. The picture I have selected for my profile shows my face with a baseball hat covering my bald head. Don’t feel sorry for me. Being bald has advantages. I can shower, dress, and be out the door in 10 minutes! Not needing time to blow dry, curl, moose, etc. saves lots of time. I plan to update my picture when I have enough hair to comb!
I like your question! I chose my picture by selecting one that I thought I looked decent in. I was somewhat concerned about who would see this, for the most part I am a private person and I am still getting used to having my picture "out there."
I too am a very private person and am leary to give too much out on the internet. I chose a picture that I took of myself that looks halfway ok. This is this the one I use for all online pictures that have a profile photo.
I'm glad that you asked the question. I am new at this so I am a little leery about posting photographs out onto the Web. I had fun creating an avatar so I use that for my profile photo for now. As I become more comfortable, I may switch to an actual photo. I think Teacher K made a good point. Since we stress Internet safety to our students, I can set an example by using the avatar instead of an actual photo.
I chose this photo because I quite like it! (I look terrible in lots of photos!)
I used to just put my initials and have only just started using the real me!

Regarding the safety issues - for me it depends where I am putting my photo.

I haven't put up a picture just yet. However, I would want my picture to be appropriate in a way that I just see my face. I don't want distractions from the clothing I am wearing or where I took the picture at. I just want others to see my face and that's about it.

I use the album cover from "In the Court of the Crimson King" by King Crimson.  They were a very creative and inventive musical group. 



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