I am about to begin a PhD with my focus on the incorporation of technology in the elementary curriculum and math. I would like to choose my topic for my final dissertation and I cannot decide whether to do it on handheld technology supporting math such as the iTouch, or on how interactive boards support the teaching and learning of math. I would love to hear people's thoughts on this subject.
My email is helencrompton@hotmail.com

Tags: PhD, Technology, education, elementary, incorporation, math

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I LOVE the interactive white board and feel that it has transformed my teaching and learning for students so I would suggest that to you.
Good point
Both topics are very interesting... I think it would be hard to choose...

However, working with teachers and helping integrate technology, I know that they want to see more alternatives to using interactive boards... specially now that a lot of Title I schools are getting stimulus money, they are buying interactive whiteboards for all schools and teachers are looking for content to use them.... So I would think the white boards would be more interesting to write about....
IWBs have made more of an impact already, hand held devices are still unmeasured.

I think a paper on hand held devices would be more useful for the 2.0 community as a whole as its generally speaking less chartered territory.
What John says is spot on. I honestly feel IWBs have already hit their peak in terms of usefullness (and I'd argue it peaked much lower than most of us expected when we first saw them) but hand-helds really haven't been explored.

I'd suggest looking into Augmented Reality Games that use hand-helds to add a virtual reality layer to real life locations. I'd imagine that would have some really cool possibilities with math. I've studied it in regards to science and history and came away amazed.
Interesting, hand helds do have a good argument this way.thank you Kev and John.
Hi , Helen
I think that is the same as my study in PhD too , but I am from Egypt
you must try Geogebra program ,you will fined what you need
just tell me if you need any thing
Maha Ahmed
I teach 7th and 8th grade Pre-Algebra and Algebra. I have used a projector and Interwrite pad for several years and could not live without it. I just started using "clickers" or classroom response systems last year. I am writing my Action Research for my Masters on the use of clickers in math classes.
I would love to hear how you are using these in the classroom...I have just begun using these and have lots to learn
mike gretzinger
hospitalit & tourism
I did my masters thesis on do IWB's make a difference in education and used the students in my school as subjects. Some had 2 years with an IWB, some one year, and some no IWB use. It was interesting to see that it really did not make a difference if the student was exposed to the IWB or even if the teacher used the IWB. What made the difference was the classroom teacher and how they used the IWB. So make sure whichever way you decide to go be sure the teachers you use in the study have had adequate training and previously used either technology with students. As time goes by I am sure we will see teaching to digital learners with digital media will make a huge difference.
Our school got a grant for 48 iPod Touch units. It has been a very exciting year using them in grades 5-12 for several subject areas. Good resources for info are at:

iPod Touch Schoolwide Implementation by Susan Wells

Learning in Hand by Tony Vincent

If you need more info from me feel free to contact hoffman@bgh4.k12.wy.us
Thanks Jim, I will have a look at Tony Vincent's site. I think I am going to go for the mobile learning and in January this year I am going into Susan Wells school to do some research as they roll out their one to one progam, which should be great.



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