Seeking a partner school to work on a collaborative project with other high school students.

We are located in Western Pennsylvania. We would like to work on a project that would incorporate art, design, culture, and food.

Please reply if interested.

Tags: Art, Culture, Food, High, School

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Do you have a project in mind? I teach Digital Design @ a highschool in Florida. I'm interested.
We should brainstorm something. I mentor a teacher who teaches Graphic Arts. What does your curriculum encompass? I teach world foods and I am working with an art teacher and an interior design teacher who is interested in collaborating.
I also teach web design. I could have students put web pages together, your students cold create the text, Graphic arts could create the artwork or pictures, etc......
I am looking for an online project collaborator for a short diversity in the workplace unit. Know anyone who might be interested in that? I have all of the curriculum, it would be pretty easy to install...

Tony VonBank



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