Hey there everyone! I am the instructional technology specialist at a 5th/6th grade campus in Houston, Texas. We are looking for other 5th/6th grade classes that we can collaborate with through video conferencing, wikis, or blogs on all content areas. If you are interested in planning a project then please let me know!!!

Tags: blogs, collaboration, conferences, partners, video, wiki

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I would be quite interested in planning a project with you. We are currently creating a new program here for 5/6 grade students that we want to be "out of the box," based on 21st century schools models. We want to incorporate service learning and project-based learning to make school a more relevant experience for students, while sneakily creating a higher level of rigor all the while!
We're with you -- our goals exactly.
WOW that sounds great! We would love to come up with something. I have 25 5th grade classes and 22 6th grade classes here. We have all GT classes, bilingual classes (Spanish speaking) and ESL classes. I am sure we can come up with something. Lets chat more!
Great!! We have a large bilingual population here and we have bilingual classes in both 5th and 6th grade. We also have all GT classes as well as regular education classes. Video conferencing and blogs would be a great start and I am sure we can come up with something. Is there a particular grade level you want to work with (or both). I have 25 5th grade classes and 22 6th grade classes so I could get you as many classes as needed for your 5th/6th grade that you have. Lets talk more!
Hi Jorge,

I am the instructional technology specialist at my school and I also teach two sections of 6th grade social studies. My 5th grade teachers and I have much experience with IVC and are always on the look out for collaborating partners. Let me know what you have in mind. I'm sure we can work together to come up with a meaningful project or two.
Our 6th grade Social Studies curriculum focuses on World Cultures. We have 25 5th grade classes and 22 6th grade classes. I am sure we can find something that will benefit us both.
Would LOVE to collaborate with you. I teach sixth grade social studies. We have, in the past, had great success collaborating with etherpad.com and have also built wikis. You can see some of my projects at my blog: http://www.yoursmarticles.blogspot.com

Let me know what you had in mind.

Mrs. Howard
Our 6th grade Social Studies curriculum focuses on World Cultures. I am just looking at pairing up classes right now and then deciding what to so with each group. I am sure we can come up with something that will benefit us both!
I have a new position as a 4-8th grade teacher for Talented and Gifted. I work with the 5th grade two days a week and 4th grade 2 days a week all year. I will work with the top 15% of the student population at the middle school(grades 6-8) doing extension units of the content area classroom from 2-3 weeks at a time depending on the unit. I am very willing to try to collaborate online with others. My 4th and 5th grade students would go crazy because they have never done this before. I have a couple ideas that might work if anyone is interested.
We at The Phoenix School in Salem, MA would be interested in pursuing this with you, but would need more information. Phoenix is a small school of 28 kids in grades PK-8. When we started 29 years ago, we decided to embed the approach taken by gifted education into our total curriculum, so it would be fun to exchange with you. Let us know more of what you have in mind.
WOW that is a small school. We have a very large school. 5th/6th grade GT classes and regular ed classes. We would love to work with you. I have teachers that teach all concepts so I am sure we can come up with something!
Great! We would love to work with you. I have teachers in my building that teach all subjects so we can do whatever kids of projects that you want. I have an two all 5th grade GT classes in my building - with one teacher teaching math/science and the other teaching LA and Social Studies. In our 5th SS - we study American History. I am sure that there is something we can come up with. My teachers get back to school next Tuesday so I will talk to them and let you know.



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