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Hello new friends,
I am a Technology Curriculum Mentor for Lancaster Central Schools in western NY. I am especially interested in digital ethics and citizenship. I'm a big fan of Mike Ribble's book, Digital Citizenship in Schools. Looking forward to great conversations.
Hi, I'm Kim Lyons from Portland, Maine. I am using ning in the graduate course that I t.a. at the University of Southern Maine. The course is in the education department so I'm hoping to introduce web 2.0 tools to future educators and model their use in our classroom. It's great to meet you all & hear about all the cool things you are doing as teachers. Thanks!
Hey from North Carolina! I'm a teacher-librarian (aka media coordinator) at a Creative Arts & Science Magnet Elementary School near Raleigh, NC. I'm excited about using 2.0 tools but feeling a little overwhelmed with all the possibilities. I'm on Twitter and use this for professional development. My tentative plan is to begin with the 23 tools activity. Glad to be aboard!
Hi. My name is Lisa Johnson, and I am part of a Chicago based media organization in Chicago called Beyondmedia. Beyondmedia Education strives for universal access to media tools and information equip women and youth to document and communicate their stories, serve as educators and role models for others, influence public policy, and generate social transformation. Look forward to being part of the Classroom community.
Hi! Im Sarah. I'm a senior in the Education program at Chapman University in Orange County, California. I was born and raised in Ohio. I am still debating whether to go the single or multiple subject route with my credential and trying to decide whether to go back to Ohio to get my credential or stay here in California. I am debating Teach for America program and also looking into school counseling. I have a major interest in Montessori education as well. If anyone has any information, seminars, advice for an upcoming teacher, please please pleeeeeease send it my way :) I am very open to learning and so excited to embark upon this new stage in my life. I am so glad to have found this online resource :)
Hello everyone! Rosario Conti from Van nuys, California 6-8th grade math and science teacher. This school year our junior high is going one to one computers in the classroom and we are very excited. I would love to hear from educators who are also one to one and might want to share their experience.
I would also like to hear from this population as we are no where near that and probably pitifully near the turtle.
Hello! I'm Jaclyn Schmitt out of Tampa, Florida. I have the pleasure of teaching fourth grade at a private school that issues laptops to every student during their fourth grade year (issues might be the wrong word - they buy them!). I'm incredibly motivated by Web 2.0 tools and can't make to find great ways to integrate them into my instruction.
Hello ALL.. Wes Hines here.. I am an Art - Technology teacher in Kalispell Montana. I am going into my 33rd year of teaching. Our art dept. has it's own Mac Computer Lab and I set up a Mac server for it and the other Macs in our school district. The last 10 years has been really exciting with all the advancements in technology and the Net..
looking forward to seeing what people are doing..
Hi Wes, Glad to meet another art/technology teacher. WHat kind of projects have you been doing? Michele
Hello. Sue Culver, an ELA teacher - 11th grade, honors 11, and senior electives in creative expression and drama. I teach at Mount Markham High School. It's a rural district in upstate NY. I'm looking to do more collaborative writing with my students. I'm struggling a bit with the overwhelming possibilities....I love new ideas, but recognize that the best ideas don't go anywhere without a plan. It's the planning that I'm struggling with right now. How do I implement these tools in my classroom?
I am Deb Day from Cresco Iowa. I teach Advanced English for 7th and 8th graders and high school speech, drama and creative writing. I love technology, but am a bit unsure of how to implement in my classes. My new school year resolution is to try something new with each of my classes.



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